[center][h3][color=Red]Clarissa Nikolina Price[/color][/h3] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131118225233/degrassi/images/d/dc/Katherine_Pierce_MJ.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b]Olympus Academy-The Apartments, later on the Assembly Hall [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Jeremiah Tomers [@Altered Tundra][/center] Clarissa remained in her room for a few more moments; the brunette beauty hid her face in the palm of her hands as she tried to wash away the feeling of concern, worry and fear that once again was building up inside of her. She couldn't help but wonder if her mother was alright....if only she and Skye had answers they were looking for; then she would feel more at ease. 'Please be alright, mother' Clarissa thought to herself with a deep sigh. The Demi-Goddess face seemed to sour for a few moments; clenching her jaw tightly Clarissa stood up as she brushed her curls out of her chocolate eyes. She decided she wasn't going to be moping around all day long-that was not her. Holding her head up high, with confidence and finesse she walked out of her bedroom and started to make her way towards to Assembly hall. She was determined to be strong; to fight the emotions running inside of her, there was no way she was going to let the other Demi-Gods see her like this and poke their fun at her for it. She was silent as she walked through the campus; noticing most of the students arriving by the hall. Clarissa took a few glances around; but she couldn't see her brother just yet. She made a mental note to save him a seat near her...they never let anyone sit with them; apparently no one was cool and worthy enough of being seated with the children of Aphrodite in their eyes. When Clarissa's ears picked up the familiar laughter and voices...her jaw clenched slightly. [color=red] "You have got to me kidding me!!...the hippies are back." [/color] she muttered to herself as she spotted Vivian and Lilah. Rolling her eyes into the back of her head; Clarissa was about to take her seat near the back when her eyes caught sign of Jeremiah; the dark locks and the inviting green eyes made her face soften as she flashed him a flirtatious yet friendly smile. At last...a handsome face...and someone she didn't recognize. [color=red]"Why hello there, handsome...you must be a new face around here." [/color] she spoke in a soft and friendly voice. Clarissa looked at him with curiosity for a moment wondering what lineage he came from. Clarissa personally disliked and avoided the children of Zeus and Apollo. They got on her nerves. Clarissa didn't need them to flaunt themselves around her and make out that they were better...more beautiful than she and Skye were. With a gentle smile; Clarissa finally took her seat as she leaned against the wooden chair, crossing one of her legs over the other. Out of habit, Clarissa started to twirl her thick and beautiful locks between her fingers as she waited for the assembly to start. She glanced at the door every few moments waiting for her brother to show up; she hoped he was feeling up to the Assembly after the 'incident' near his room.