[@Zadubadabu] [b][u]Enolopi System, HSC Date 1323 @ HMT 13:34[/u][/b] Stehlruh'Coluk das Cyrus waited attentively over his communication officer's shoulders, waiting for him to transcribe the message. Oddly, the message was sent with a code similar to their own, similar enough for the auxiliary AI to reformat it and pass it on. After a couple minutes of waiting, Stehlruh asked, "Well, what do you know?" The communications officer jerked, not realizing that his commander was standing right behind him, but answered without missing a beat. "I think... there's some introduction, I think, and then something about them being the top pointy stick and leader of the... Searonese? They must submit because they can't do anything else-" Stehlruh grunted, muttering, "Smart of them," -"and I think something where their planet was taken by someone else. Presumably more powerful than them, and from the tech officer's scans, I believe they are close to our own technological level. Hard to be sure without a better equipped ship to take scans." Stelhruh grunted and turned back to his central podium, where he commanded the ship. Sitting down in his captain's chair, he surveyed the holographic image of the ship. It was not a new ship, for sure- the ship had evidence of much use. "Communications, send the following message in our own language as soon as possible. Accompany it with their message, and what you have translated following just behind it." "Aye, sir. Ready to record." "My name is Ship Commander Stehlruh'Coluk das Cyrus, of the Hocklyn Empire's Destroyer [i]Cyrus.[/i] Decelerate to match our ship's speed, and we will relay your stand down to the rest of our fleet. Refuse to comply will result in your ultimate destruction. I am not a diplomat- do not barter with me. Nor am I a kind Hocklyn, and so I advise that you do not test me in this. We will escort you to our fleet, and we will return to one of our systems, where we can trade information. Make no mistake, Queen... Pestifo, you are considered a prisoner of war until you convince us otherwise. Any sign of weapons or an unauthorized FTL jump will prompt our immediate retaliation." "Aye sir, finished recording and message is on its way." Stehlruh'Coluk das Cyrus glanced at the hologram again, before barking, "Helm! Bring us on a course for the Fleet, ten percent C." "Aye, cap'n."