[center][color=6ecff6][h3]Dallas Relo[/h3][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/y6XGWvg.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Olympus Academy, Assembly Hall [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b][Through text] Vivian Corette [@Altered Tundra]; [In Real Life] No one, but open[/center] [color=6ecff6][i]Ooof. Detention.[/i][/color]Normally he wasn't one to quake in his high tops over sitting in a desk and writing sentences about his wrongs, but given his new, lovingly-hatched master plan to get rip-roaring drunk and start off the new year, maybe the road to a pissed off Vivian wasn't the one he should be taking at his current fork. He'd need all the goodwill he could muster if someone with an invite blabbed. Plus, his sister tended to get this little wrinkly look on her forehead when she frowned, and her cheeks would puff out...it was tough to look at. Might be best to provoke it sparingly until the coast was clear. Right. [b][color=6ecff6][center]To: Vivian From: Dallas Hey babe, me again. Turns out it was just a rabbit. Yeah, I feel much better already. See you in no time.[/center][/color][/b] He meant it, too. Not a minute later, a familiar shape hugging the wall of the assembly hall caught Vivian's eye, kissed two fingertips, and then saluted with them. Just as quickly as it had appeared, it caught a wayward light in the expansive room, shimmered, and disappeared. One or two heads turned in confusion to seek out the slim, handsome demigod that had been standing in the mirage's place a moment before, but to no avail. This was only further proof that whatever Greek genetic force had given Dallas Relo illusionary power was truly a malevolent - or, at the very least, incredibly mischievous - presence, and should never be trusted to mold a demigod again. From a chair further up from the daughter of Apollo and her friend, a golden head bobbed quietly with a snicker. When that head turned, scoping out who had arrived before him, he saw only his sister and Delilah, looking [mostly] positive as ever, Clarissa sharing intimate time with an empty seat beside her, some girl he didn't really know making conversation, and another, olive-skinned demigod not far away from her. Apparently Zeke had found a way to slip out of this one after all, God bless him. Dal, for his part, had one foot on his chair and left arm stretched out along his knee, the picture of lazy, casual glamour. And right now, casual glamour was feeling a lot of emphasis on the [i]lazy.[/i] If only he'd had time to nap. To wake himself up, four long pianist's fingers ruffled his hair casually, and Dallas thumbed the volume button on his phone until it went from vibrate to an acceptable 'silent.' After all, it wouldn't pay to be distracted during [i]the speech,[/i] now, would it. He might miss something important. The son of the sun grinned.