[center][h3][color=#1DA237]Zaheen Ibrahim[/color][/h3] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Olympus Academy Grounds [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] [color=red]Jonas Highwind[/color] [@HereComesTheSnow], [color=598527]Corinthe Malakos[/color] [@Obscurus], [color=green]Alex Hannelore[/color] [@Scrapula][/center][hr][hr] "[color=#1DA237]Suggestion,[/color]" a voice perked up behind Alex, "[color=#1DA237]Have you tried googling the answer? I hear it is a magical tool of the modern age,[/color]" the boy said with a grin. Well, as much of a grin that one can produce after staying up all night. Still, it should be enough to illustrate his good intentions, [i]right?[/i] It mattered little either way, Zaheen was far too sleep deprived to spend time focusing on it. "[color=#1DA237]Apologies, I meant no offense, my name is Zaheen Ibrahim,[/color]" the boy greeted with an outstretched hand, "[color=#1DA237]I take it the two of you are new here? If you have any questions feel free to let me know, I've been here for a few years. It's an alright place all things considered. Oh, and the answer you are looking for is speak [i]friend[/i] and enter. Gandalf said friend. My mother and I watched the movies quite a few times.[/color]" [i][color=#1DA237]It's a shame the Hobbit movies weren't as good. Mother would have been disappointed.[/color][/i] Turning his attention to the object holding the curiosity of the two others, Zaheen felt compelled to learn more. "[color=#1DA237]That's a rather fascinating box you have there. I can't recall having seen anything like it. I hope it's not to much trouble to request a look at it when you are done? I'd love to see the inner workings.[/color]" No sooner had the boy made his request, did he feel a vibration in his pocket. "[color=#1DA237]Excuse me for just one moment.[/color]" [b]From: I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND DORK[/b] [color=Red][i]Year 2 START You like your alarm? :^)[/i][/color] Chuckling to himself, Zaheen quickly typed up a response. [b]To: I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND DORK[/b] [color=#1DA237][i]Your ability to mess with my things astounds me. The least you could've done was visit a few times over the summer. You stopped by maybe 6 times? Also the contact name was a bit uninspired, don't you think?[/i][/color] "[color=#1DA237]Sorry about that, now, where were we in this puzzle?[/color]" Zaheen asked as he turned his attention back to the real world.