[center][h3][color=springgreen]Jeremiah Howard Tomers[/color] and [color=red]Clarrisa Nikolina Price [/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7SJxsc1.gif[/img] [img] http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9ammuUKlt1rt3fn2.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Olympus Academy - The Assembly Hall [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b]Clarrisa Price and Jay Tomers[/center][hr][hr] As he sat there in the wooden chair that was near the doors of the assembly hall, someone of an attractive sort approached Jay as they took a seat next to him. Jay was unsure what he should do at this point. Surely he would be a bit awkward since he didn't really handle being near people. In fact, that was the very reason why he took a seat ways away from the other students. He thought that he would be the only one that didn't like the crowds. Yet, here he was being addressed by someone. Though he didn't know what to do, Jay knew that the polite thing would be to at least say [i]something[/i]. [color=springgreen]"Oh hi."[/color] He said nervously, his words coming off as almost stuttering. Clarissa watched his face; it seemed like he was confused...maybe shy. The thought made her smile to herself; God would he be fun to mess with, the sweet, innocent toy that he would be for her. As mischievous as Clarissa felt right now, something made her act 'normal'. She didn't want to attract unwanted attention and get into trouble with the teachers...especially the Headmaster and Headmistress. [color=red]"Cat got your tongue?" [/color] she playfully teased Jay. [color=red]"I don't bite." [/color] she tilted her head gently as she looked at him with a soft smile. [color=red] "I am Clarissa, I know you don't know many people, but you will know them by the time the day's over."[/color] she said with a smirk. Somehow she wanted him to know about her and Skye.[color=red]"I am nice, I promise." [/color] she gave him an innocent and soft smile, as if she was trying to convince him that she truly was a nice girl. Jay tried to avoid eye contact with her in fear that the woman next to him might spot something off-putting about him, perhaps even dissuade her from attempting any conversation attempts. But, when he caught her eye, he saw something. It was a certain calmness. Despite his usual way of avoiding direct eye contact, Jay found it somewhat easier to look at her. No, it wasn’t because she was easy on the eyes -- like, she was, there was no mistaking that. She’s probably one of those girls who have all the guys rolling and following them -- but there was something else about her that Jay found it easy to look at. [color=springgreen]“Uh, oh, hi Clarissa,”[/color] Jay said, slightly less nervous, but the hints of his shyness still ever-present on the surface, [color=springgreen]“I’m Jay,” [/color] he said simply, holding out his hand as a way of showing some kind of initiative. As she mentioned that Jay would know more people tonight, he was feeling all types of nervousness and anxiety. Just one person was giving him some trouble, but having more people all at once was going to put him in a nervous breakdown, [color=springgreen]“what’s tonight?”[/color] Jay inquired, fearing the worst. Clarissa's eyes were warm and gentle as she looked at him. There was nothing mischevious or misleading in the way she looked at Jay. It was like she truly was a good girl; it was one of her best acts. Her beauty and charms always made it easy for people to fall into her trap. [color=red] "It's lovely to meet you Jay, I hope you enjoy staying here. It's like a second home to most of us." [/color] her hand gently captured his in a soft and polite hand-shake. When she saw his expression change once again; she could hear the fear in his voice [color=red]"Tonight's a party...a bombfire of sorts, it's mostly a yearly thing. Think of it as a welcome home and welcome new students party."[/color] She smiled at him warmly [color=red]"You might have fun."[/color] Clarissa explained to him before she brushed some of her brown curls away from her eyes. As their hands touched, a flush of blushing red graced his caramel-colored cheeks. Whether it was the touch of her hand meeting his or it was just one of those uncontrolled impulse type of things, it was there and Clarissa no doubt would have noticed it. Quickly, though, Jay took his hand away, but slowly so it was not to alarm her. He heard her mention a bombfire gathering-type of party that was an annual thing and of tradition. Jay was curious, but also fearful and wary of it. On one side, there was a certain amount of curiosity running through his body about it and what exactly the gathering was about. But there was also that ever-looming fear of people and him. It was that same fear he had for a long time and was the reason why he didn’t handle most crowds well. But, Jay was willing to at least try it. [color=springgreen] “This sounds like quite the thing,”[/color] Jay said, sort of thinking aloud. Briefly, Jay looked at Clarissa once more, smiling. [color=springgreen]“Will you be there?”[/color] Jay asked her, blushing like before, but he also was smiling. If she was to be there, then perhaps Jay’s anxiety might be lessened. It would ease him a bit to know that someone friendly that he knew would be present. Clarissa noticed his blush run across his cheeks when their hands touched; but she didn't complain when he withdrew his hand from hers, it probably surprised him and made him more nervous than he already felt. Jay was the first person she met that was so nervous; she remembered being nervous on her first day too...but not like this. The soft smile was present on her lips, as if it was trying to help him and calm him down a bit. [Color=red] "It's a rather popular event, I am sure if you asked around, other's would tell you that."[/color] she told him gently. Clarissa loved that coming back party, she and Skye always had fun pretty much just like everyone else. For one day, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and were almost like a family, before the bickering and arguing started once the school hours picked up. She couldn't help but smile as he inquired about the party and if she would be there. Clarissa nodded gently with a warm smile [color=red] "Of course, I'll be there. I'll keep an eye out for you if you show up." [/color] For a moment or two, her smile was genuine and really soft; a soft blush spread across her cheeks but it didn't last that long; she wasn't one to blush much let alone often. Clarissa wondered if this year was going to be good like the others; but she didn't know just how different this year was going to go. A smile graced his face as Clarissa confirmed that she would be at that bonfire. Whether it was her intention or not, knowing that she would be there was somewhat of a relief for Jay. She had a kind nature to her -- much more kinder than he had originally thought. He thought all of the attractive demigoddesses were going to be mean. But as they continued to engage in small talk, it became surprisingly clear to Jeremiah that she was a friendly spirit. [color=springgreen]“Then, I will be there, Clarissa.“[/color] Jay said, informing Clarissa that he would be at the bonfire tonight.