[center][img]http://im.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-960152388.gif[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=Powderblue]Peter Caddoc Sköjare [/color][/h3] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] In his car; approaching the school [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] No-one, other than a rather one-sided conversation with his Mother.[/center][hr][hr] Stifling a yawn, Peter cranked the music of his car radio higher. The drive had been a fairly long one, as he had elected to land in Denver rather than Salt Lake City. If any flags had been raised about his arrival back in the states - which it probably would have - then this would throw them off the trail for a good long while. He hardly doubted that even if they had managed to follow him, they would manage to trace him to this Olympus Academy. He had a slight inkling that it didn't appear to humans. Well... full-on mortals, that is. Either way, the 8-hour-drive had taken a lot out of him. Although he'd slept quite well on the plane (Iraq to Colorado is no small feat), Peter found tiredness creeping back to him, despite the copious amounts of coffee he'd ingested on the road. [color=Powderblue]"I'll probably get there and be wide awake til 4 in the morning."[/color] He muttered to himself, tapping his fingers on the leather steering wheel in tune with the music. The Killers were probably one of his favourite music artists, among others through different genres. Speaking of favourites, this car was one of them. A brand new Bentley, bought off an old friend who owed him a favour. The [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-11wKKIKIAts/VPS3FbzXH2I/AAAAAAAAsd8/DROUbEgza9w/s1600/Bentley-EXP-10-Speed-6-115.jpg]EXP 10 Speed 6 Bentley[/url] had three things in which Peter held in high esteem; comfort, good-looks, and above all else, it was [i]fast[/i]. Especially with a speed-freak like him driving it. Although sticking with the highway limits for the most part, he was finding himself on more secluded roads in which he could truly test the power in the machine. And oh, boy, was it good. As memory recalled, Nike was the Greek Goddess of speed. She would have drooled over this car. Idly wondering what kind of Demi-Gods would be at the school, Peter winced slightly as something sharp pricked the back of his neck. As his hand went to explore, he jumped as his fingers sliced against a familiar feeling blade. [color=Powderblue]"Jesus Christ Mom! Could you have not waited till I got to the academy?!"[/color] Peter exclaimed to the sky, scowling as he shifted around in his seat to reposition his spear; Gungnir, which had just materialised in his back seat. At over six feet long, it barely fit in the back. Due to the magic nature of the weapon, Peter swiftly found out that if he left a place without it, it would soon join him. Which, although irritating at times such as now, was also a relief. What with all the travelling he did, he did not want to experience trying to get that monstrosity on a jumbo jet. However, this had been the first time it had popped up while he was in transit. [color=Powderblue]"What, you want me to show it off? Bring my stick of doom into show and tell?"[/color] Peter muttered wryly, still glaring at the horizon. His Mother hadn't shown herself in a couple of days; when she appeared in his hotel room in Baghdad to tell him to get his ass home. Some parental figure she was. Sucking on his bleeding fingers in an attempt to staunch the shallow cuts, he increased the speed. He wanted to get there as soon as possible; just to get that damn thing away from him, on the off-chance he hit a bump in the road and it speared him in his neck. This hadn't been the first time he'd hurt himself on the wicked blade of the spearhead. Everytime he saw it, he was reminded of an ancient Japanese myth, in which a spear was crafted to be the sharpest ever created. It was told that if a dragonfly were to land on the blade, it would be cut in half. That's what Gungnir was like. The first time he'd cut himself on it, he'd frozen in fear, half expecting it to blow up or something. After what his Mother said, saying how it needed his blood to be activated, he'd been terrified for weeks. However, after several cuts and an accidental skewering (Alcohol and magic spears do [i]not[/i] mix well.) over the years, he'd realized that it would take a sacrifice much more than some minor injuries to activate the magic within the spear. Not that bade well for the future, considering he would be forced to use it eventually - but he preferred not to think about that. Instead, he focused on the road, the music, and new prospects of learning. Although reluctant to come, he couldn't deny he was excited to learn more about this mythical side of his life. And to meet a sister that Athena had been so kind to briefly mention. She enjoyed leaving things vague for Peter, an annoying trait he was quick to notice about his Mother. [color=Powderblue]"Man, I hope this Alex chick is [b]nothing[/b] like our mother."[/color] Peter said to himself, brightening ever so slightly as he saw a town approaching. This had been the first place in a couple of hours; it must be it. [hr][hr] Finding the Academy was easy enough. It was as though he were drawn to it - which, in actuality, he figured he probably was through some form of magic. He was always dubious about magic, and still was, even at this point in his journey. He was certain that it was all just a science that anyone had yet to understand; even the big stuff. Pulling into the large drive of the campus, he noticed his car was getting a few looks. Cracking a smile, he could hardly blame them. It was a goddamn nice ride. Donning his sunglasses once he had parked up, Peter climbed and stretched, letting out a sigh of relief. He'd allowed himself only a couple of rest stops along the way; not wanting to dither and miss the first day. As a result of this, his limbs felt like they were made out of wood. Noticing he was still getting a few glances, he unlocked his boot, hesitating only a moment to look in the back seat. The spear could damn well wait - he wasn't carrying that thing around where people could see it. Throwing a blanket over the offending weapon, and then returning to his bags. He hadn't brought all that much, figuring he could just order some more clothes if he needed them. A suitcase and two duffel bags thrown over his shoulder, Peter glanced around the campus, for once, not sure where to go. Noticing a group of three nearby ([@Onarax], [@Obscurus], [@Scrapula]) he walked over, observing the two girls and boy were looking at some kind of wooden puzzle box. [color=Powderblue]"Hey, sorry to interrupt. My name's Peter, I'm new here - any idea where I'm supposed to go to get my room keys and stuff?"[/color] He asked the three with an easy smile, eyes lingering just a wee bit longer on the short-haired girl than the other two. She looked extremely familiar... [hr][hr] [center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/341e6a830328bb60c8ab9e7b5d9deb4a/tumblr_inline_mz758sDptX1rzb296.gif[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=Teal]Rozalia Éathliel[/color][/h3] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Olympus Academy Campus [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Serafina Lewison [@LadyTale][/center][hr][hr] Roze glanced over at the girl who had introduced herself, quickly returning her smile with her trademark mischievous grin. Soon after Roze had arrived, she'd been approached by some teachers who had shown her where the apartments were, and where to get her keys and whatnot. It had been a nice place - she'd given it a look over before freshening up and returning back to the campus. With no-one to really talk to, Roze had decided to just wait by the doors until the assembly started. [color=Teal]"My name's Rozalia - you can give me a nickname if you want. Most people do."[/color] She replied to the older girl. She had a warm look about her - almost motherly, in a way.