I SHALL EXPLAIN WHY!!! lol I was the last person to post before Shadowfil. I was not gonna be that guy who double posts to reply to himself, and I'm also not altogether that comfortable with posting right after the person who posted after me. I like to give other people some time to get a post in post, you know, like taking turns kinda thing. Since Shadowfil posted, I've been quite bust since I have been doing long work days and trying to get ahead on online class assignments so that I could take my three days off from work (however I managed that I will never know) to go visit and stay with the family for three days. Please be sure, you haven't run me off. I don't give up an rp till the creator decides they are done with it :P This all being said, I will have your post within a [b][i][u][s]FORTNIGHT[/s][/u][/i][/b], I mean tonight! And then I will start waiting for more posts again. :magnum