[center][b]SHOU[/b] Seizing the opportunity given to him by the duck's momentary shock, Shou ripped his hair free from the feathers and jumped as far away as he could from the little demon. Now out of immediate danger, he dropped the butterknife, which was now useless, to the ground and focused his attention on his tangled, mess of hair. " Oh my God, look at this," He whined, frantically running his fingers through the tangled locks, " Look how tangled and gross this is! I look like a hobo! I look like Akiza when she first arrived here!!" The memory of that bird's nest he had dealt with the day before was still fresh in his mind, but never in a million years did he think [i]he'd[/i] be the one with the ugly tangled hair! However, if Shou was anything, he was always prepared, and not a second later he had his hairbrush in his hands trying to tame his wild hair. “ After everything I did for him and he treats me like this?! Ugh Daisuke, if you know whats good for you, you’d keep that duck out of my sight from now on!” “ But what about his wing?” He heard Daisuke ask with worry in his voice, but Shou quickly held up his hand to silence him, already being 200% done with this conversation, “ I already said, he just needs rest. Now, I’m going to take a look at your hand and then go home to treat my poor, poor hair.” He let out a solemn sniffle as he looked down at his once beautiful hair. The knots were out by now and it symbolized some sort of order, but it still wasn’t up to its usual magnificent beauty. DAISUKE “ Okay then…” Daisuke said, dejected. He wanted Shou to have another look at the duck’s wing, just to make sure he hadn’t hurt himself during the attack, but he understood Shou’s distrust towards the animal. Afterall, Daisuke had asked a lot from him already. “ Reiko, do you mind looking after Ducky for a while? He seems like he likes you.” He smiled, offering the now calm duck to Reiko. It wasn’t that he distrusted Akiza…but well…she had gotten the knife for Shou! There was no telling what she would do if the duck decided to attack again. Out of all of them, Reiko seemed like the best choice. “ Maybe he can help you and Giima study!” He joked, although, it was a very lame one. [/center]