Thanks. Looks like two of the guild's servers were down briefly until they realized they had to reboot. Many people didn't encounter an issue because they were routed to one of the servers that was still online until the others became available again. [quote=@Shienvien] On another note, [@Mahz], the logout issue is back... [/quote] :lol Thanks for the report. Is it the exact same issue you were having before, how "Remember Me" just doesn't seem to do anything? Anything smell different from last time? [quote=@Shienvien] Erh... I don't like the idea of mandatory introductory posts. There are a few reasons why I never make them unless I absolutely have to, and generally tend to consider "Introduce Yourself" subforums spam. Did bots get better than humans at captchas and other anti-bot measures already? [/quote] The spammers are actually cheap human labor. My first priority on the spam front is to create a Report Post system and improve the mod tooling. I'm unlikely to do anything more until it turns out that the Guild's spam problem is growing, but for the most part it seems to just come in waves.