[quote=@Sypherkhode822] [color=ed1c24](Warning: Vulgarity Ahead)[/color] A letter to the non Rping public: Dear non-rping public Fuck you for making me have to describe role playing as 'Dungeons and Dragons, sorta, but it's different'. Fuck you for having to make me lie about not writing anything recently, because I'm ashamed of how you would react if I told you I just created an amazingly beautiful story with five other people online, because you don't consider role playing as real writing. Fuck you for laughing at Larpers behind their back. They're trying to have fun, and it's hard to do that when people treat them like pedophiles. Fuck you for making me hold my tongue when you make jokes about how Dungeons and Dragons are for those too afraid to go outside. Fuck you for damning me if I do go outside to Rp, and damning me if I don't. Fuck you and your fucking fantasy league tournament. That's just a really uninspired sports Rp. Fuck you and your uninspired imagination content to live off of triple A videogames that claim to be 'immersive' and 'absolutely free-form' yet are just elaborate strings of 1's and 0's. Fuck you for looking down upon those who want to experience something like Sid Meir or the Sims in a way far more complex than any computer can handle yet. Fuck you for associating maturity with the stagnation of the mind. Fuck you for looking down on me because I like to role play. Fuck you for associating role-play with bizarre sex games. (Though, ladies, I am always willing to stretch my boundaries a little..) So please stop treating Rping like it's some sort of depraved and contemptible habit. It's something that I love and cherish, and it's a lot of fun if you give it a chance. Please stop making me feel ashamed of liking to role play. (P.S: You are always welcome to try it out! I'm working on a really cool Rp that should be out in another month or so, and new ones are popping up all the time.) Regards: Sypher, Katerina Wythburn (x21), Rasmata, Arach Scultone, Johnathan Wilcox, Kal Windral, Mercury Quick, the Pyre Moth, and the sovereign nations of: Apium, The Rythalian Kingdom, the Kingdom of Zersal, the Empire of the World, and the countless of other characters and nations that I have role-played over the years. [/quote] [hider=Dude][img]http://img.4plebs.org/boards/tg/image/1397/09/1397091581624.jpg[/img][/hider] But for real, I can understand why text-based roleplaying and LARPing are looked down upon in modern society. The terms evoke the image of some loser without a real life who turns to a hobby in order to experience it. Playing pretend over the internet has never really been socially acceptable (see World of Warcraft, other MMOs, AOL chat, etc.). Roleplaying never really was something that educated or high-class people participated in, simply due to the fact that people have a life which, to them, is a million times better than some childish personas they can manipulate. Sure, there is a slim chance that it might be enjoyable for them, but I don't see roleplaying becoming mainstream, as it isn't as marketable as other hobbies. Look at other hobbies which were salvaged from either condemnation or obscurity: video games, nerdiness, zombies, the list goes on. I see one factor that all of these things share: marketability. People buy video games, people buy Walking Dead posters, people buy those trite figurines of random characters. Yet, people can't buy something they can make up. Roleplaying, at least in terms of live action or text, isn't as marketable as other hobbies, which is why it will remain as something petty and childish in the eyes of the public. Don't blame the people, blame the system.