[@Oblivion666] [h3]Tatsuo Hyakuya[/h3] [12th Ward] Tatsuo chuckled at the falling building, tightly gripping his katana with both hands [color=maroon][b]"You think thats enough to stop me?!"[/b][/color] He charged head on towards the building, leaping and smashing through a window. It was hard to move in, everything within the building shaking as it continued to fall. He ran through the hallways and smashed through the walls, using the heads to help himself up as he tried to make it towards the other end. However, right before he reached the last window, the building smashed into the ground along with Tatsuo. It was silent for a moment, no movement or even a sound. Suddenly, Tatsuo rose from the rubble. A giant pointed pole was through his chest along with countless cuts and shards of something within his body. Two mouths moved down, clamping onto the iron pole and snapping it in two. The slowly pulled them out of his chest, tossing them both at Kazumo as the other heads began to bite down on Tatsuo's very body. He laughed, the Kagune's morphing and fusing with his skin. A black mucus like scale began to cover his back and slowly creep up his arms, mouths forming all along as they advanced. A black mouth crepth over Tatsuo's head, bubbling up and fusing together to cover his face. It was still morphing but Tatsuo didn't have time [color=maroon][b][i]"Let's end this!"[/i][/b][/color] He moved like a blur, his speed far greater than before as he made it to Kazumo in seconds. He turned his body mid air, a massive singular head behind him and swinging at Kazumo like a bulldozer. It's mouth was also still open, hoping to tear chunks from his flesh