Time Jump- 8 hours __________________________ After their eventful night Ash had finally fallen asleep, exhausted from the night's events. His and Eric's bodies had proven to be a perfect fit, much to Ash's pleasure and surprise. Especially surprising considering how differently sized the two demons were. With a yawn Ash sat up in bed, wiping the sleep from his eyes. The first beams of the morning sun were just entering the room, gently waking up the now full fledged demon. He had fallen asleep in Eric's arms, and smiled at the sleeping guardian's face. He looked so tranquil and happy in his sleeping state. As Ash looked around the room his mind slowly began to recall the night before, the fight and the man's threat (for he would never call the man truly Eric's father). With some alarm he gazed around the room taking in the damage he had caused, with growing worry. A large chunk of the wall was missing between their room and the living space, half the living room was burned beyond recognition and the splintered remains of a dresser lay where it had landed, its contents long burned beyond recognition. This was going to be hard to explain, and it was almost guaranteed that they were going to be banned from the hotel once they got found out. With a sigh Ash sat back, resting the back of his head against Eric's strong chest, pondering what to do. It was safe to say they were about to be homeless, and there was the more pressing issue of the man. He was going to clearly be trying to hunt them down, even if they escaped from the city. They did have some advantages though. Ash was fully transformed and apparently had fire powers. They were close to the Canadian border and he had Canadian citizenship. Ash still had some money in his bank account, only about a thousand dollars (that was originally meant for tuition) but it was something. Add to that the fact that Eric's family was apparently not popular with other demon families and things honestly weren't as dire as he had initially thought. Ash silently reached his mind out to Eric's sleepy brain. He mentally poked the giant to try and wake him up, he felt bad about disturbing his sleep but they needed to plan. Ash mentally said through their connection [color=00a651]'Good morning my love. It's time to wake. We must plan our day'[/color] [color=6ecff6]Groggy, concerned, thinking they should flee[/color]