Megan carefully examined her deck. It seemed to be based around using strong warrior monsters and then giving them equip cards to make them unstoppable, and then it had several cards useful for stopping traps. It seemed the idea was to get out a monster with mega attack, and just run over your opponent. Megan wasn't sure how she felt about playing with such a naturally aggressive deck but she was ready to give it a try. Megan turned at the sound of someone breathing heavily, it looked like someone had chosen the stairs over the elevator. With a massive backpack no less, Megan grinned a little, and they said girls packed too much. At least she was smart enough to get it sent ahead of time. She decided that she should get in a little practice, so after one last look at the cards she stuck them in her deck and looked for somebody to do a little practice duel with. After a brief look she noticed a girl standing in the back, about the same age as her, who also looked as though she wanted somebody to talk to. Megan made her way over clearly stepping into the girl's line of sight and said, "Hey, my name's Megan, I was wondering if you could have a little practice duel with me before the real thing starts? Just to get used to you decks you know?" Megan asked hopefully. It seemed reasonable to her, though she could understand if the other girl wanted to keep her deck a secret, though really they were all using starter decks so there wasn't much point in it. Megan admired the girl's pretty dress, she had just chosen a nice pair of jeans for herself.