Toaster (my friend) will write up a character to match mine in a bit. I've contacted him about this. [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Jessica Lassiter [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Rank:[/b] Adult Female [b]Trade:[/b] Farmer [b]Upright Appearance:[/b] [hider][img][/img][/hider][b]Canine Appearance:[/b] [hider][img][/img] 35" in height, 127lb in weight[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Jessica is an outdoors girl. There's nothing she likes more than sunshine and fresh breezes. That said, she's not really much of an energetic girl and would rather lie down in a field and enjoy the day rather than do any work. She also suffers from a not so mild case of separation anxiety when it come to her brother. Being away from him tends to leave her upset and a bit irritable. [b]History:[/b] Jessica's parents were the Betas of another pack, but when her father, a man driven by blind ambition, tried to challenge the Alpha male for his position, he was quickly overpowered. Driven by stubborn pride, however, he refused to submit, even when it became obvious to all watching that he couldn't win. The fight continued to escalate until Jessica's father was finally killed. Unable to remain in a pack where her mate had been slain, Jessica's mother took her two newborn pups and left. For a time Jessica and her brother were raised alone, but after their mother died from ICED, they were forced to find a new family, this search led them to the Blue Ridge Pack.