[center][h1][color=808080]Stella[/color] & [color=gold]Thomas[/color][/h1] [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Stella's Apartment then to Assembly Hall. [u][b]Interacting With:[/b][/u] Stella McGuire & Thomas Sephtis[/center][hr][hr] Stella continued her conversations but saw a male specimen come up to her as she stammered through her words to find out what to say towards him. [color=808080][b]"Uhm, why yes. Your guess is correct. Want a cookie?"[/b][/color] Stella snickered towards the male then eyed her friends as they waved their goodbyes and she did the same as her eyes went back towards the male before her. [color=808080][b]"See what you do. Make my friends disappear."[/b][/color] Stella teased towards him then handed him her bags. [color=808080][b]"Why sure. I'd love it if you did that for me."[/b][/color] She smiled while making her trek towards the apartment like dorms. [color=808080][b]"You coming or what?"[/b][/color] She'd ask while making eye contact with him once again then continuing her trek towards the housing. He shrugged, letting the apple fall into the palm of his hand and squeezing it, red energy appearing to flow out of his clenched fist and into his arm. [b]"Sweet. One for one so far. Cookies... Not really. Just ate."[/b] His smile widened. [b]"I can make apples disappear too!"[/b] His fingers opened, letting dust fall to the ground, brushing the rest of it out of his hand before picking up Stella's bags. [b]"By far not my favorite way to eat an apple, but..."[/b] He rolled one of his shoulders, smirking slightly, watching her face to gauge her reaction as he followed her. [b]"When in a rush, not a lot to do." [/b] Stella didn't really speak about his little magic trick earlier, simply because she didn't care. She rolled her eyes at him as for she was the daughter of Zeus and had a lot more things to worry about than some trick. She didn't bother speaking to the son of Hades but continually glanced back at him to make sure her luggage was well taken care of. If it wasn't, there was going to be consequences and she didn't think she needed to spell that out for him. After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached her room as she turned towards Thomas with a smile. [color=808080][b]"So, this is my stop."[/b][/color] Stella dug in her purse and got out her room key, turning it to open up the door. [color=808080][b]"You're welcome to come in, if you wish. It's not as elegant but it's housing."[/b][/color] She chuckled while flicking the switch for the lights and the words she had just spoken was an understatement. It was absolutely fabulous and much more elegant than most rooms. [color=808080][b]"Looks like daddy made sure my room was up to my standards, after all."[/b][/color] She giggled then grabbed her bags from Thomas with a smile, sitting them down beside the door as she eyed him. [color=808080][b]"Thank you for doing that for me, Thomas. For you to be the son of Hades, you're pretty sweet."[/b][/color] Stella winked while walking past him and into the small kitchen area, opening the fridge and grabbing two bottled waters, handing one towards Thomas. [color=808080][b]"You're more than welcome to stick around here until the assembly, if you wish."[/b][/color] Another smile came over her lips as she really needed to change into something new for the assembly. She didn't know why but just needed to. [b]"...Well, if your "coffee" table wasn't stolen from a morgue, it's pretty damn elegant..."[/b] Thomas stepped into her room, glancing up at all of the furnishings. [b]"Gotta say though, this is pretty freaking far beyond what I'm used to."[/b] He smiled slightly at her thanks, but then a facial muscle twitched at the words "for a son of Hades". It lasted but an instant, then the smile was back in full force-though his eyes didn't seem quite as open as they had before. [b]"I might stick around for a little, yeah, though I do need to meet some people around here. First year and all."[/b] The cap came off of the bottled water and he took a small drink of it, then swallowed and looked quizzically at Stella. [b]"How long have you been coming here?"[/b] [color=808080][b]"I've been going here for quite some time now so. Hopefully this is my last year as I am old enough now and do not need to be taught by some professors about what I already know."[/b][/color] Stella grimped while taking a sip from her water. [color=808080][b]"Well, since you insist on staying, wait here while I change."[/b][/color] She winked towards him then grabbed her luggage while going into her room, closing the door behind her. Stella freshened up a little bit before placing on a cut shoulder, gray blouse and gray skirt to match. She placed upon her feet a pair of flat shoes as heels were going to be too much for the assembly. Stella stepped out of her room within a fifteen minute time frame as her eyes saw that Thomas was still there. [color=808080][b]"Sorry that I've kept you waiting."[/b][/color] She said while sitting on her couch, patting the cushion beside her for him to sit. [color=808080][b]"We have a few more hours before the assembly."[/b][/color] She checked her wristwatch to make sure she was correct. Thomas adjusted his scarf self-consciously, making sure his coat was buttoned up the right way. Too often he'd wandered out of the house with the buttons slightly off-only to have one side of his collar hitting him under the chin constantly until he finally realized what was going on and fixed it. When Stella came back out he took one look at her clothes and shivered, pulling his coat a little tighter. He'd always been cold natured and he still couldn't understand how anyone could wear clothes any less than the three layers he always had on. He sat next to her, but didn't sink back comfortably into the seat. [b]"How's the assembly normally?"[/b] [color=808080][b]"Hm, about an hour or so but most people usually skip it since the same thing every single year."[/b][/color] Stella mentioned with a laugh then eyed Thomas. [color=808080][b]"But I just attend since I am Zeus' daughter, you know."[/b][/color] Another laugh came over her as she eyed Thomas now, the headmaster's voice boomed from afar calling for everyone to make their way to the assembly. [color=808080][b]"Well, there it is. Walk with me?"[/b][/color] Stella asked him with a smile while standing up now and walking out of her room, waiting for Thomas to come out behind her before locking the door. [b]"Yeah, I gathered that."[/b] Thomas hopped up, sticking his hands (which had turned white with cold) in his pockets and headed out the door. [b]"Sure, I'll walk with you. I'll have to follow, don't exaaaaaactly know which way the assembly hall is from here."[/b] He shivered. Why he was so cold he'd never been able to work out-maybe because he was Hades' son and technically thus half-dead? Either way, he had to wear warm clothes constantly, usually even wearing gloves and a scarf inside on colder days. He didn't really complain. The long coat made him look taller. [color=808080][b]"Okay. That sounds cool."[/b][/color] Stella said while locking her door and closing it behind herself and Thomas. They walked towards the assembly hall and saw almost everyone present. She pulled out her cell phone and sent a text towards her brother. [center][color=808080][b]To: Zeke From: Stella Tell me that you are coming to this assembly. I'd hate to sit alone. :([/b][/color][/center] Stella hit the send button the walked further into the assembly and took a seat, looking out at the headmaster and headmistress, along with the professors standing behind them. Of course, the assembly isn't going to start until at least every single Demigod is present.