[@Oblivion666][@Mugin][@CrystalApple] [center]:::[b]District One[/b] | [b]CCG HeadQuarters[/b]::: [color=F0E68C][h3]First Class Miyoko Ruri[/h3][/color] [img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y404/AbigailTenshi/Recolouring%20TG%20Agent_zpszrnsyw4s.png[/img][/center] Miyoko stepped out of her car, closed the driver's door and awaited her subordinates's exit from the vehicle. The mission went well, perhaps she should urge the higher ups to give her squad a more dangerous task in the near future. Atsuro, as keenly as usual, asked Miyoko a question just as she was about to open her mouth, he must of been on the same wavelength as her since she was literally going to tell them the answer to his question. [color=F0E68C][b]"I will gather you all tomorrow for our next meeting. This one will be important so be sure to turn up [i]on time[/i]. Failure to do so will mean that you will not be accompanying me on the next case."[/b][/color] She glossed her almost bored-looking gaze over all three of her members before landing on Atsuro. [color=F0E68C][b]"The rest of you can do whatever you like once you've turned in your evidence. As for you Rank 1 Volke, a word please. Give your evidence to Rank 2 Kassanai to turn in."[/b][/color] While keeping her eyes on Atsuro, Miyoko lifted her car keys out of her right jacket pocket and pressed a button to lock the doors of her vehicle, assuming everyone had certainly left it's confines by now. Taking her eyes off Atsuro, Miyoko turned towards the HeadQuarters's main entrance and waited for Atsuro's response.