Olivia watched Shawn head down to the docks, hoping it wouldn't come down to her having to leave without him. She stayed hidden, hyper-aware of her surroundings, keeping a close eye on time every time Shawn disappeared into a boat. Whenever Shawn seemed to take just a bit longer than she thought he should her heart began to pound wildly. Was he alright? Had he been attacked by a Walker or had be been captured by some other people? She worried about him. She didn't want to lose him. Once or twice Olivia almost made her way down to the docks to find Shawn, but shortly after he would always come out of the boat, relaying what information he had. When he finally returned to her observation spot, Olivia let him speak his piece before she grabbed hold of the front of his jacket. She could smell the Walker that he had killed, but for the most part she had grown accustomed to it so she wasn't much bothered by it when she pulled Shawn down and gave him a fierce kiss. "You worried me a bit," she explained, releasing her hold on his jacket but letting her hand continue to rest on his chest. "I almost came down there myself when I thought you were taking too long. I'm glad you're alright, Shawn." She gave him another kiss, this time gentler. "Come on, cowboy. Let's go pick out our new home," Olivia said with a smirk, patting his chest. In the end they decided on the Sunseeker, a small yacht measuring 150 ft long. It was big but still pretty fast with plenty of space. [i]Lots[/i] of space. The boat was like a floating house, which suited Olivia just fine. They would have to get rid of some things--extra furniture that wasn't necessary--in order to lighten the boat and make room for their own supplies. The boat would require cleaning as well. Olivia wasn't much looking forward to that since there was so much to clean, but once it [i]was[/i] clean and they were all settled in she knew she and Shawn would both be happy. He helped her down off the boat and onto the dock. Giving him a kiss on the cheek, Olivia smiled and said, "Thank you, dear. Let's head back now. We still have plenty of work to do." It didn't take long to move Olivia's things onto Shawn's boat. What did take a while, however, was the wait until nightfall. Until then they were free to relax and talk and do as they pleased. Once night came they took Shawn's boat--now laden with their combined supplies--out to the ocean docks. They waited out at sea for a time, watching the docks until they were sure it was safe. Finally they brought the smaller boat up to the dock alongside their new home. Taking care to be as quiet as possible, Shawn and Olivia began to transfer their supplies from the small boat to the bigger one.