[center][h1][color=800000]Jackson Jones[/color] &[color=lightgreen]Melanie West [/color] Alleyway Near the French Quarter[/h1][/center] An enraged Jackson was never a good thing for anyone that crosses his path. But only one person was on his mind at the moment - Mel. He smelt her scent on Nerfertari as he grew closer to her in the morgue but didn't speak upon it since he didn't want to further anger her. His sights were set on Mel for messing around with his lover, well ex lover now. Jackson drove past Husker's and parked his car, waiting for Mel to leave the building as he eyed her through the window. Jackson was going to eventually take back what is rightfully his and that prize was Nefertari. One way or another. Melanie sat at her table enjoying her lunch while looking around at the customers who were also enjoying their lunch. She had finished a lot of her lunch before she ended up getting full, she also wanted to save her appetite for her dinner with Nefertari tonight. Melanie asked one of her co-workers for a check and a box for her left overs, when the waiter came back Melanie paid and left a little tip before getting out of her seat. Melanie opened the front door making her way towards her car, opening the door she got in putting her left overs in the front passenger seat slipping her keys into the ignition and started her car heading back towards her house, unaware that she was being followed. Jackson eyes peered towards Melanie as she finally exited Husker's. Jackson looked down at his wristwatch with a slight smirk. "Perfect timing." He whispered to himself while putting his gear shift in drive and following behind her. Jackson tried to keep his distance but of course, they was going to fail since everyone around town knew what he drove. As soon as they came across a red light and Jackson knew then that he had to do something and do it now. So, he pulled up beside Melanie and got out of his car, making a trek over towards hers and elbowing her window in, shattering it. Jackson then reached inside of the vehicle to grab Melanie and drag her through the window then place her onto the street. "Alright, you little bitch. You brought this upon yourself." Jackson spoke through clenched teeth. "Let's do this." He'd add before getting in a defensive stance, waiting to see her reaction to the whole spectacle. As Melanie continued to drive down the street she turned on the radio listening to some music as she drove, when she came around the corner Mel stopped right at the stop light. She sat there watching as the other drivers drove through the intersection. What she didnt expect was Jackson parking his car right next to her's, Melanie screamed in surpise as her driver's side window was shattered. Melanie struggled against Jackson as he dragged her out of the window some of the jagged edges of the broken glass cutting into her arms slightly, and then being slammed onto the ground. "What the fucking hell is your problem?!" Melanie snapped quickly getting back up onto her feet looking at her bloodied arm and then glaring smelling the familiar scent of the vampire in front of her. "I didn't do shit to you Sparkles." Melanie said not even getting into a fighting stance in fear of retaliation from the vampire's, she didnt want to fight anyone. Jackson eyed Melanie after she asked what was his problem as he got out of his defensive stance for a moment. "You. You are my problem." He pointed his index finger towards her while speaking those words. "You stole the one thing from me that I ever loved and now, you must pay for actions." Jackson said while looking at Melanie with a raised brow. "Neffy didn't tell you about me and her, did she?" He breathed softly while looking at Melanie. "You see, me and Neffy use to be together a long, long time ago and I would've revived our spark but you are the root cause as to why I cannot." Jackson said while clenching his fists. "So, now, I am going to get rid of you once and hopefully for all." He looked at Melanie to wait and see if his words were going to strike her to hit him or not. Maybe Jackson was taking his anger and frustrations out on the wrong person but he wasn't thinking clearly right now so Melanie was his intial victim at the moment. She reeked of werewolf blood so he definitely had to be careful if this was going to escalate into a fight. Melanie glared at Jackson as he answered her question, and pointing to her that she was the problem at first she thought it was because she was a werewolf. Then he brought up Nefertari. "And I can see why she would actually dump you're miserable ass, I just met her today." Melanie said taking a step closer towards him letting out what actually sounded like a growl. She didn't want to fight, but she would defend herself if he attacked her. "I would at least know how to treat a woman right, I see you going around town flirting and talking with other women why not shove you're dick into one of your little call girls." Jackson eyed Melanie as she called him miserable. He scoffed of course as his ears twitched when he heard her growl. 'Yes. Release that inner beast.' Jackson thought to himself as she continued on speaking. When she was done, Jackson eyed her again. "I shoved my dick in plenty of call girls in my day and when I finally want to settle down with someone, it's taken away from me by a washed up singer. Ha. Speaking of being miserable." Jackson retorted while not really wanting to argue but settle this with a fair fight, at least. Melanie stared dow at Jackson when he called her as washed up singer, she roughly shoved Jackson out of the way. "I at least have a job, unlike you just go around flaunting that you are rich. And you are paying for my busted window." Melanie said turning around to face him once more. "And I might slip some of my werewolf blood into your next drink." "I do not have to flaunt, sweetheart." Jackson said while hearing her say that he was paying for the broken window. He took out his wallet from his back pocket and took out a dollar bill, tossing it at her with a raised brow. "Is that how much it will cost?" A slight chuckled escaped over his lips as her next words escaped over her lips and that sent Jackson over the edge. He rushed over towards her and grabbed her by the throat, slamming her back first onto her car, staring into her eyes. "I'd like to see you try and do that, you littlt bitch. I can end you now." Jackson spoke fiercely while still holding her throat, his hand clenched around her throat with every single word. Melanie glared at Jackson as he tossed her a single dollar bill her way, shaking her head and rolling her eyes Melanie was turning to make her way back to her car before letting out a gasp as she felt the air in her lungs leave her chest as she was slammed against the body of her car. Doing her best to try and breath gasping for air Melanie could see the anger in Jackson's eyes hearing his threat he did have her at an advantage now. Doing the only thing she could Melanie sent her left knee as hard as she could into Jackson's stomach and then used her right foot to kick Jackson between the legs. Jackson knew that he had Melanie at an advantage and was loving it as he seethed a little bit. His eyes saw her knee coming for his stomach but he wasn't to quick to react as the grasp around her neck loosened as he coughed a little bit. Jackson saw her right foot going between his legs but deflected the move by rolling out of the way. "Oh, the little werewolf got moves, eh?" People in cars behind them and beside them watched the display as people on the sidewalk even stopped. They were not worried about going to work, out to eat or whatever right now as a fight was bound to happen right before their eyes. "So, if it's fight you want, it's a fight you shall get." Jackson unbuttoned his shirt and removed it as his slightly scarred body could be seen in full flesh now. "So, I guess we're doing this, right?" Now, Jackson took another defensive stance basically taunting Melanie now, telling her to bring by wiggling his fingers towards him. "Let's see what you got, pup." That had to be the icing the cake. Melanie started gasping for air the moment Jackson released her neck after she landed a successful kick to his stomach. Melanie reached with her right hand for her car's outside view mirror to support her weight while using her left hand to gently massage her neck. Melanie turned her head to glare at Jackson letting out another growl doing her best just to keep the wolf side of her from coming out. How she really wanted to go out in a full rage and just snap the vampire's neck with one hand. Melanie looked around seeing a few cars stopping and some bystanders stopping looking at the two of them, she noticed some were taking out their phones or video cameras hoping to get some action. Hoping that Jackson would see reason she stood up again taking a deep breath staring Jackson down as he unbottoned his shirt and getting into a defensive stance again. When Jackson called her a pup she started to grip the side view mirror of her car tightly feeling the metal, plastic bending from her intense grip due to her strength. "I'm not going to fight you, if I do thats just a reason for your kind to send me to Delphine LaLaurie. And look around you got witnesses right here half i'm sure have their phones or cameras out. And i'm sure that Neffy would see the video of you attacking me, and i'm sure that you would lose all chance of getting back with her." Jackson eyed the bystanders as they whipped out their phones and cameras as he really loved the attention. A slight smirk came across his face as he listened to Melanie's words the picked up his shirt and spoke towards her. "You've got a point. Perhaps we shall reschedule this bout for another time." Jackson walked closer towards her now. "I shall make you pay, once and for all, Melanie." He spoke through clenched teeth again then kissed her cheek. A soft chuckle came from him as he backed away and placed back on his shirt, waving his hands towards the bystanders. "There is nothing to see here. She's a scared little bitch and doesn't know how to fight so everything is good now. Really, go back to your normal lives." Jackson said while looking back towards Melanie with a wink. Some of the bystanders groaned and did what they were told but other stayed, just in case the action was going to pick up again. Melanie was slightly relieved when Jackson agreed somewhat, when he walked closer towards her threatening her again. Then he kissed her on the cheek, that made her skin crawl, then he turned around telling the crowd to disperse. His last comment sent her over the edge now, Melanie knelt down picking up two rocks that were by her feet throwing the first one at Jackson's car window shattering the window and the second one aimed for the back of Jackson's head. Jackson ears twitched when he heard the shattering of a window, turning around to see that Melanie had threw a rock at his car window. Another rock came and thumped him aside his forehead, which was probably intended for the back of his head as he smelled his own blood fill his nostrils now. Jackson's blood was boiling now as he charged towards Melanie and speared her down to the ground, raising his fist up to punch her but decided against it since she was a female but also a werewolf. Conflicted by his decision, Jackson removed himself from over Melanie's body then eyed her while taking his foot and placing it on her throat, lightly, just enough to choke her. Jackson leaned down a bit and spoke towards her. "Listen to me, you vermin. Meet me in the French Quarter alleyway and we will indeed settle the score." He then removed his foot from her throat and walked away from the scene, his blood still dripping a bit from his chiseled jawline. With one more quick glance towards Melanie, he got inside of his car and revved the engine. Half of him wanted to back up and run Melanie over but he didn't want to finish her off, yet. Instead, he drove up a few feet then turned around and charged his car right into the front of hers, repeatedly then drove away, shouting out the window. "Don't forget!" Jackson smirked as he continued riding away. Melanie was about to turn around and get back into her car happy to see what she did, before she felt a massive weight hit her in the back forcing Melanie down onto the ground. Seeing Jackson right above her his fist raised above his head, doing what she could bringing her arms over her head and face expecting Jackson's fist to hit her. She lowered her guard some what then started gasping for air as Jackson put his foot over her throat. Glaring at Jackson Melanie lets out another low growl, telling her to meet him in the French Quarter alleyway. Melanie quickly rolled over once Jackson got his foot off of her throat, slowly getting up to her feet just as Jackson got into his car and drove a few feet in front of her car, ramming into the front several times before speeding off. She looked at the crowd still standing there, she got into her car closing the door and drove off towards the French Quarter. It was a short drive through knowing she wasnt supose to be in there. Finding the alleyway Melanie got out of her car and walked down the alleyway. Jackson hid behind a wall until he heard footsteps coming his way. His ears tingled at every step and of course, could tell that they were feminine steps. Jackson waited until the footsteps approached closer before popping out from behind the wall and giving a swift knee to Melanie's midsection and an elbow to her back, hoping that the final blow will allow her to fall to the ground. Jackson ripped his shirt off of him and growled lowly. "Let's dance, pup." He said while waiting for her to get to her feet. As Melanie walked down about half way down the alleyway Melanie felt a sharp pain going to her stomach, and then yelped in pain as a second blow went for the middle of her back, causing Melanie to fall onto the ground. Quickly Melanie got back to her feet holding her stomach glaring at Jackson as he took his shirt off. She quickly quickly took off her shoes tossing them onto the ground. Without saying another word Melanie charged at Jackson hoping to knock him off of his feet. Jackson watched as Melanie took off of her shoes then threw them onto the ground below them. He took a defensive stance but wasn't quick enough as Melanie charged towards him and swept him off of his feet. He quickly rolled out of the way before she could attack again and made it to his feet, grabbing Melanie by her hair and throwing her into the nearest wall. Quickly, he'd proceed to charge towards her and knock her off of her feet, as well. Melanie raised her fist over her head aiming her fist towards Jackson, he quickly rolled out of the way causing Melanie to groan as she punches the ground. Before she could react Melanie cried out as Jackson grabbed her by the hair and throwing her into the wall. Feeling the wind getting knocked out of her Melanie was on the ground trying to recover, Melanie was about to get back onto her feet before getting knocked down onto the floor again. Quickly Melanie braced her arms over her head as she tried to kick Jackson in the leg hoping to get him to back off. Seeing both of his attacks successful made him gleam with a certain happiness. He chuckled lightly while looking at her body, trying to recover from his previous blows. "Come on, wolf up!" Jackson taunted as he felt a sharp pain tingle within his leg, sending him back and dropping down to one knee. His eyes were locked on Melanie as he wondered what her next move was going to be. Melanie got up to her feet she quickly lunged at Jackson again her hands wrapped around his throat slowly squeezing his neck letting out another growl. She was holding back she really wanted to strangle the vampire to death glaring into his eyes. Jackson sort of knew that Melanie was holding back even with his taunting, she was still holding back, but why. Jackson managed to get up to his feet right before Melanie lunged towards him and wrapped her hands around his throat, squeezing his neck. Jackson raised his hands up around Melanie's neck as well, looking into her eyes while speaking. "If both of us die, right here and now then either of us get to have Neffy. I say we call a brief truce and end it right now." Jackson spoke through choked words, releasing his grasp from around Melanie's neck. Melanie felt Jackson's hands wrapped around her neck causing her to gasp for air slightly, hearing Jackson speak she lessened her grip around his neck as he brought up Neffy and sighed slightly. "Fine, just stay the hell away from me and next time I wont hold back." Melanie said bitterly and roughly shoved Jackson back and stood up looking over her shoulder. "I will pay for the damages to your car if you do the same." Melanie said as she went to grab her shoes again and slipped them back on. Feeling her phone vibrate Melanie took her phone out from her pocket seeing it was a text from Nefertari. "Looking forward to it. I'm actually at home, got off a bit early to get ready for you cutie. Address is 3032 Jean-Luc Blvd. See ya then. ;)" Melanie smiled slightly to herself as she made her way to her car. Jackson fell to a knee, gasping for air. He had forgotten about how strong werewolves could be when provoked. Hearing Melanie's words, Jackson did nothing but nod his head about staying away from her but of course, Jackson loved trouble so he knew that they were going to meet again soon. When Melanie spoke about paying for the damages done to his car, he stood up and nodded his head, speaking. "Expect a check in the mail soon from me." After speaking those words, Jackson didn't bother grabbing his shirt, since it was ripped now and walked out of the alleyway, to numerous stares. "Life lesson, ladies and gentlemen, do not go into the alleyways, all of sorts of creatures lie in there. Got it?" The bystanders nodded and looked through the alleyway with curious looks plastered among their faces.