[h2]Levi DiCaliente - Huskers Restaurant[/h2] [@Nallore] Levi was deeply into his work, scrubbing the countertops in an almost rhythmic fashion – to the Sports Center crowd cheers and jeers that erupted from the screen every so often that is. He contemplated the situation he was in, baffled at the thought of Jackson even being remotely interested in him; would he have gone – could he have gone? Just as soon as Levi lost himself in deep thought, footsteps trailed closer to him followed by a warm pat on the back - it was Melanie, coming in for her shift; what a relief! “Hey Levi, how are you today?” Melanie asked, smiling as if she was intently interested – it must have been a good day for her; maybe she made decent money at a gig? “I’m holding up!” Levi chuckled at her, tossing the dirty rag aside to be washed “-How about you, your awfully perky today!” Levi was a friend to practically everyone in the restaurant –however Melanie and Levi had a somewhat special bond, maybe it was from working together for many years or maybe they just had similar interests; regardless, he knew that Mel was always up for some friendly teasing! “How did your gig go?” Levi giggled as he asked, glancing over at the basket of fries and a steak that had been delivered to her “-I’m guessing well if you ordered such a big meal! That must've cost a fortune - what’s the occasion?”