Hmm...this one is going to sound pretty bitchy. Like really bitchy. Like, bitchtastic ™. But why is the "Advanced" quality of writing going down so much? Or rather, why is the requirement bar being set lower and lower? And no, not just length; I went into a whole tirade about length a few pages ago. I mean, like, overall quality. What is this new "Low Advanced" shit that I'm seeing? High Casual. It's called High Casual. Like, I think I kind of liked it better when Advanced writers here were renowned for being snobbish, pretentious, bitches. My kind of people. Stop trying to re-brand an existing sector of roleplay to make yourself sound better. I mean, this just relates back to the same effing people who correlate some minute, singular, talent with being an Advanced writer, when being Advanced constitutes an amalgamation of things. And I mean, you don't have to be a pro in every single one of these things, but god, just trying to utilize them is enough for me. But when you swagger on in here like you own the place with some bullshit, cockamamie, shallow writing, that very well still belongs in its little High Casual side of the world, well then, you have released my beast. Like mama. Do you not, maybe, realize that Advanced writers are able to muster up a certain something, something in their characters that causes them, to you know, be considered Advanced characters? Like, thoughtful actions, deeper conflicts, thoughtful characters, plots not convoluted by merely psychical activity. Not "he did this," "she did this," for five hundred pages. Not, "let me just respond to this other post and leave it at that." Not, "let me happily ignore the characters I don't like in favor of writing some repetitive shallow bullshit to that one person I've happened to connect with." I do see that some people are doing this to garner more attention for their roleplays. I guess the motto is, if it won't work as a High Casual, maybe it'll work as a Low Advanced, and vice versa. And I'm sure that works, because I've seen it work. And now, I'm not saying every High Casual roleplayer is some bullshit roleplayer. Some of them are pretty talented, and some of them, I think, could push themselves into Advanced if they tried. But, by inviting such a standard as Low Advanced, into a sector that, previously, was so rigid on quality, what you are inviting into said sector are writers who are, potentially, even lesser than High Casual. Because, we all know High Casual roleplays still garner the attention of players who should be more aptly called, Casual roleplayers. We should also all know, that, as roleplays tend to do, in a myriad of applications there will always be those few roleplayers that shouldn't have applied. And it's up to the GM to weed them out, but if the GM chooses not to do so, then, what really can you do. So ultimately, even in an Advanced roleplays, you'll end up with High Casual roleplayers. And the cycle continues in all tiers... I mean, on the other hand, by inviting writers with lower standards, you could, possibly, help them refine their standard of writing. Engaging with Advanced roleplayers, and even their peers, can push on the evolution of a little blooming writer. Turn a little toddling roleplayer into a big cantering adult. And [i]then[/i] you'd have [i]more[/i] Advanced roleplayers with revolutionary roleplay ideas, popping up out of nowhere, stupidly giving away original information that other writers could happily plagiarize and create into successful series, because let's face it, if big authors can plagiarize other big authors without repercussions, putting your ideas out here is really asking for it. But either way, new writers, yayyyy. So I guess there are two sides to the coin, as there usually is. Since I just defeated my own argument, I'm not really sure why I'm here. Of course, like I said, this is, ultimately, just bitchy. I could very well leave the little stinkers alone and let them do as they pleased. Not like they're hurting anyone. Well me, a little. Because, I mean, when I hop on into the Advanced section, I expect to see [i]Advanced[/i] RPs with literate writers. Oh well. Anyway I had to bitch about it. Just a little.