Since that night when the city burned with fires of rebellion, a week had gone by. Order had come down as quickly as possible. Oberon had taken the city of One by force and it was the news of the century, besides the war of course. It finally meant that the Dull had a chance to win. A chance to take over the planet and get rid of magic forever. Oberon's plan had entered its phase two and down before the mighty gates of Archon (The citadel that was once the One Guard's home before the fall) a gallows had been constructed. Those who dared oppose Oberon's new rule would meet their fate and on that day many necks were being broken. Oberon watched the assembly before him, Dull had crowded the streets in anticipation of the event. For even the remains of the high council were going to be there. Victoria and Madeline had their fates sealed for the gallows and nothing they could do or say would stop that. It was a waiting game now and soon they would be up there, for the whole world to see what they brought themselves to. Oberon simply smiled and waved.