[center][IMG]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j69/whitestar9819/Battle%20Signature_zpsy9kxptyg.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i]In the dystopian future, when America is gone and replaced by an entity only known as the Council, the land mass of America is split into eight sectors, each one being named after their own sector, combining altogether to become what everyone calls the System. Each sector had a specific element that is labeled to it and from that element, the original people of the Sectors created cities and designed their Sectors to reflect their power. Sector One is Fire, Sector Two is Water, Sector Three is Earth, Sector Four is Air, Sector Five is Weather, Sector Six is Light, Sector Seven is Shadows, and Sector Eight is Animals. These are labeled this way for one specific reason: Leviathans. Leviathans, as they are called, are advanced humans with powers that label with their sectors element. They were placed strategically like this, else they would fight with the others if they were in a different sector, and the Council did not want that. When the Council took over, they swore that they would end all fighting, but they knew that the human mind and body craved strife. So, as a counterbalance for the animal inside all humans, they created a battle field in which sixteen young adults, leviathans between the ages of eighteen and twenty five, would battle for the amusement of the rest of the nation, to keep the murderous instinct of the mind at bay and the fight or flight mindset down. Not everyone agreed with this, but everyone was forced to do it. No normal humans, those without powers, were chosen to go into the arena. Sixteen would walk into the arena, only one would walk out. So people would not be training for a specific arena each time, the Council appointed a man would change the arena, a five mile by five mile space with the ability to close in on itself if necessary, every year as the Battle started. This man was called "the Gamemaker". Many people could guess the idea for the next arena, but many were also wrong. Each year the Battle arena is different, but the premise remains the same: Be the best, be the strongest, stay alive.[/i] [hr][hr] [center][color=forestgreen][h2]Information on the Sectors[/h2][/color][/center] [hider=Sector 1] [img]http://topbillinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/broken_city_mattesm03.jpg[/img] Sector One, also called Burnside by some of the other Sectors, is the oldest of all the Sectors, which means that Fire Leviathans have been around the longest. Though it has been around the longest, Burnside has the most regular humans out of any Sector in the System. It seems to be the richest of the Sectors, considering the fact that the Battle Arena, for most of the time, is the closest to Sector One. Sector One is divided into a few Sectors of it's own, but most people just recognize these Sectors as the three main cities of Sector One: the Northern Sector, called Gagariam, where most of the Council lives, the Middle Sector, called Normiliam, where all of the normal humans live (reason for the name Normiliam), and the Southern Sector, called Igniam, where most of the Fire Leviathans live and train. Out of all of the Sectors, the difference between the normals and the Leviathans is most shown. Shown above is mainly what Igniam looks like, but the other two cities look quite similar.[/hider] [hider=Sector 2][img]http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af282/LauraLuna11/Cornacopia%20Locations/Fantasy-City_wallpaper.jpg[/img] Sector Two, referred to as the Aquanatic City, is completely one city. From top to bottom, it is completely one city. It resides on a bay area with multiple rivers, lakes, streams and waterfalls running throughout the whole city. No one can get in or out unless it is by boat only. They even have floating houses for the water, but that is mainly for the rich and upper middle class. Here, the humans and Leviathans mingle together more normally than they would if they were in Sector One. Because it is so beautiful in Sector Two, the Leviathans here are mainly against going into the Arena, but they do not fight against the Council. The Council [/hider] [hider=Sector 3] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/6d16/i/2012/104/9/4/tree_city_by_bhaskar655-d4w3s85.jpg[/img] Many people relate the Earth Leviathans to desert and actual sand, when it actuality they are mainly connected with Mother Earth, which is Nature. That is why Sector Three is mainly forests. The cities are hidden among the forests and mainly in the trees. Many people love to live here because it is so pretty. Most of the people who come from here are amazing climbs and swingers. The people from this Sector seem to be more rambunctious than others and seem to be a bit more daring. They tend to travel from jumping from tree to tree and are hunting often. They are great trackers because most of their food comes from hunting animals in the forests.[/hider] [hider=Sector 4][img]https://whitneycarter.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/fantasy-city.jpg[/img] Sector Four is literally called the Sky City as it looks like the entire city is floating in the sky. Many of the buildings are white to represent the air itself. This Sector took on a slightly Steampunk view of the world and decided to go older with its architecture when it rebuilt the Sector in the image of air. Though a lot of the Sectors are quite advanced in technology, Sector Four seems to be the most advanced, as most of the engineers for the technology come out of Sector Four. They were the first to design the flying car and some of the newer weapons. They do not have a police force because most people there can take care of themselves. They have the most Leviathans out of any Sector with humans and prefer to keep on the down low with the Council.[/hider] [hider=Sector 5] [img]http://www.thewallpapers.org/photo/23219/city-in-the-hill.jpg[/img] The Weather Sector has always been the most mysterious and most curious case out of all of the Sectors. One day, it just kind of... showed up and was not put there by the Council, but when the Council saw the Weather Leviathans and saw how powerful they were, they knew that they wanted them a part of the System. Sector Six is mainly in the mountainous areas, which is not a bad idea when it comes to Weather Leviathans, as they can train in each of their different little sections of the mountains. The people from Sector Six are not as friendly as most.[/hider] [hider=Sector 6] [img]http://www.knowledgehi.com/thumbnails/detail/20130316/cityscapes%20night%20singapore%20city%20lights%20aerial%20cities%201920x1080%20wallpaper_www.knowledgehi.com_38.jpg[/img] This Sector is the brightest out of all of the sectors. It can be seen all the way from Sector Four, but no further, in either direction. Most of its architecture is based on that from 2015. It is the brightest because most of the Light Leviathans have been training since they were little and they light up their city as a job for them. They are the most well trained, it is believed, when it comes the Battle.[/hider] [hider=Sector 7][img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/d616/th/pre/i/2013/234/0/2/dark_city_by_gugo78-d5mytbz.jpg[/img] The Shadow Sector, I believe, is the coolest of all of the Sectors because it is made completely out of Shadows. The Shadow Sector is completely Leviathan. There are no humans in this Sector at all because humans cannot survive in this sector. With so many shadow powers in one area, the Leviathans were able to create a Shadow City. The difference between the border of Sector 6 and Sector 7 is immense because there is a wall of shadow directly on the border. This serves as a border and a warning to humans. [/hider] [hider=Sector 8][img]http://cdn.superbwallpapers.com/wallpapers/fantasy/overgrown-white-city-31521-400x250.jpg[/img] Sector 8 is most connected with nature, and has the least amount of people, which means the least amount of Leviathans. They only have one city, which is directly in the middle of a dense forest that is surrounding them. For the border here, there is a dense forest right next to a wall of shadow as well. Most of the Leviathans here live in the wild with the animals, especially if they can turn into a specific animal. [/hider] [hr][hr] [h3][center][color=cyan]The Rules[/color][/center][/h3] [hr] [list] [*] Your character will most likely die. Get used to it. [*] This is a character driven roleplay, so the decisions of the characters will affect the outcome. [*] Respect others and please respect me. Leave the drama in leave life. Ain’t nobody got time for that here. [*] At LEAST two paragraphs. And decent sized paragraphs! About eight sentences each. [*] Depending on how much interest we get will objectify how many characters each person can have. I’m going to say two at the moment, but this is a place holder for now. [*] PG-13. Please. [*]Good grammar, and good spelling. I am a Grammar Nazi, so you'll help me out a lot by being awesome. [*]For Leviathans, the power has to be related to your section. For example, if you're from Sector Two, you can have a power that has anything to do with water, i.e. cryokinesis, aquakinesis, and so on. [*]ALL CHARACTERS MUST BE POSTED IN THE [color=yellow][i]OOC[/i][/color] FOR MY APPROVAL FIRST! [/list][hr][color=red]Have any questions? Just ask me below![/color] [u]Need help figuring out an ability? Check out the links![/u] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Fire-Based_Abilities]Fire[/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Water-based_Abilities]Water[/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Earth-based_Abilities]Earth[/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Air-Based_Abilities]Air[/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Weather_Manipulation]Weather[/url][sub]Weather is a special case. You may choose two of the APPLICATIONS for your character.[/sub] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Light-Based_Abilities]Light[/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Darkness-Based_Abilities]Shadows[/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Animal-Based_Abilities]Animals[/url][hr] [color=orangered][i]Sector One (Fire) Positions:[/i][/color] [b][color=crimson]Ember Wave-Explosion Manipulation/Burning Kiss/Smoke Aura-[/color] [@WhiteStar19][/b] [b]Open[/b] [color=aqua][i]Sector Two (Water) Positions:[/i][/color] [b]Open[/b] [b]Open[/b] [color=burlywood][i]Sector Three (Earth) Positions:[/i][/color] [b][color=f7941d]Ariette Forge-Steel Physiology/Manipulation-[/color] [@Mach2][/b] [b][color=#79c879]Raven Lamenti-Plant Manipulation-[/color] [@Etain][/b] [color=lightcyan][i]Sector Four (Air) Positions:[/i][/color] [b][color=7ea7d8]Erika Desalle- Sound Manipulation/Sensitive Hearing-[/color] [@Mach2][/b] [b][color=fff79a]Rosi Aioto-Air Manipulation -[/color] [@fij707][/b] [color=dimgray][i]Sector Five (Weather) Positions:[/i][/color] [b][color=palegreen]Hekat Bakshi-Weather Inducement/Lightning Manipulation - [/color][@hoppiholla391][/b] [b][color=hotpink]Alva Zolkin- Air Storm Manipulation/Thermal Weather Manipulation-[/color][@HaleytheRandom][/b] [color=gold][i]Sector Six (Light) Positions:[/i][/color] [b][color=lightyellow]Vicki Vostrum- Light Manipulation-[/color] [@Stein][/b] [b][color=92278f]Emily Duran-Light Shield, Healing, Burst-[/color] [@Dark Light][/b] [color=black][i]Sector Seven (Shadows) Positions:[/i][/color] [b]Open[/b] [b][color=white]Levi Duran-Shadow Manipulation-[/color] [@Dark Light][/b] [color=forestgreen][i]Sector Eight (Animal) Positions:[/i][/color] [b][color=green]Meredith Mackenzie- Feline Physiology/Enhanced Senses-[/color] [@Virani][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Evangaline Clark- Invertebrate Physiology-[/color] [@HaleytheRandom][/b] [hr][hider=Character Sheet!] [noparse] [center][color=???][h2]Character Name Here[/h2] [img]Appearance Here (Realistic Pictures Only Please!)[/img] [i]"Quote Your Character Would Say"[/i] Short physical description of your character, at least a paragraph. [hr] [i]Age[/i]: Between 18-25 [i]Gender[/i]: Male or Female [i]Rich or Poor?:[/i] In some of the sectors, there are specific places where there are poor regions and there are rich regions. Which one is your Leviathan from? [i]Sector:[/i] 1-8 [i]For the Battle or Opposed?[/i] Is your character for fighting the Battle and trying to win, or opposed to even go into the Arena? [hr] [i]Power Description:[/i] Describe your power here. Remember that it must line up with your sector. [i]Power Weakness[/i] You must have at least one weakness to your power. [i]Weapon of Choice:[/i] For in the Arena [i]Fighting Skills:[/i] Does your character have any prior knowledge of fighting? Remember that some Leviathans have actually trained to go into the arena before they were chosen. [hr] [i]Personality:[/i] At least a paragraph [i]Biography:[/i] At least two paragraphs. We will be starting off at the Choosing Ceremonies for the Leviathans, so have the biography go up either until there, or just before. [i]Likes:[/i] At least three. [i]Dislikes:[/i] At least three. [i]Fears:[/i] At least two [i]Weaknesses:[/i] You need at least three weaknesses. No one is a God. Even Leviathans. [i]Other:[/i] Anything else we should know? [i]Theme Song:[/i] [url=???]"[i]Song Title[/i]" by Song Artist[/url] [/color] [/center] [/noparse] [/hider][hr][hr][center][h2][color=magenta]Story Arches[/color][/h2][/center] [i]When we begin the RP, my Co-GMs and I will be keeping track of who is where and the different story arches going on. They will be kept here for you guys. If we miss something, just mention one of us in a post and give us the deal on what we missed. [/i]