Rattle, rumble, bump-bump. The bus rolled on and on. During the bus ride, Clementine was, well, insufferable. She accounted for at least 60% of the noise in the bus with her constant jokes and conversations to everyone near her. The more noise the bus made, the more noise Clementine made to be heard. It was like a torture no man should have to endure. The sweltering heat was beginning to get to her. Towards the end of the trip, her loud voice slowly managed to quiet. This was the second trial, according to Clementine's imagination. Finally, the bus stopped. Clementine looked out the window and saw the large tower. It was much bigger than anything back home. It was quite amazing. Clementine, being quite close to the front, ended up getting off the bus near last. From there, the bus driver opened up a large compartment and began to pull out bags for the students. Everyone got their bags, with Clementine being almost last (again). Her bag was unnaturally small. It was only a small handbag. Some students had brought giant suitcases, but Clementine brought barely anything along with her. With her bag, she followed another man who seemed to also be near last. He seemed to know what he was doing. She followed him to the large elevator which carried the students up and continued to follow him. The new students were all picking out what decks to use, and a pack (if they chose that they wanted it). Clementine, being the intrepid listener she was, didn't know what was even going on. She panicked and did nothing. She did nothing for a rather long time and ended up being the last person to choose their deck. There were only two decks left. One appeared to be a super edgy deck, the only light coming from it was the holographic lines on it, and the other one was had a god-damn Gellenduo on it. Being the intrepid and intelligent duelist that she was, Clementine chose the deck with the sweet-ass Gellenduo on it. [b]"That one!"[/b] Clementine said, her finger pointing to it. The teacher sighed, and handed the one with Gellenduo on it to Clementine. [b][i]"And any pack?"[/i][/b] He said, to which Clementine replied [b]"I have something I want, so Megabox Megatin Megathing 2014!"[/b]. The man sighed once again, and handed her the pack along with a dueling disk. Clementine was excited. She may get [i]it[/i]. She ran off to a secluded corner in the room to open her pack, her hands trembling with excitement. A look of defeat crossed her face as she didn't get it. She needed it. It was the greatest card in the game. She sighed as she put the cards from the booster pack into her collection. [b]"I guess I'll just use straight vanilla."[/b] She said while putting the deck she had gotten into her dueling disk.