The first kiss caught him off guard. The lips and the taste that followed sent his mind to her destroying every other thought in his head like a tornado in a trailer park. The second lighter kiss was like a boxer hitting the canvas after the hit before turning out his lights. He sucked in his lower lip greedy for more. Listening to her words Shaw could only nod. Her hand on his chest stirred the feelings that stuck on his lips. The finding her on the docks that night, the past days and nights together, all of it was a turn for the best. Shawn didn't believe in luck or chance. Everything happened because some one, some where, did something to start a chain of events that caused all of this. Shawn smiled while a tear ran and hid beneath his beard. Olivia kissed him again. He wanted to reach out. To hold her close and kiss her passionately. Pressing her against a wall and showering her with kisses. Telling her everything on his heart and more. Showing Olivia the depth of his passion for her and what her trust and love means to him. Together against the odds they would weather this new sick world. Of course reality would crash into the his fantasy and Shawn would find himself moving the gear. Taking the time to remove the unneeded furniture and everything that was not essential or would work. Shawn removed most of the lights and the lower outlets covered with tape to stop any moisture from reaching them. This would save the battery. Shawn set the the new ignition switch from his old boat and everything that was useful. He siphoned the fuel and the wiring effectively gutting the old boat. This new boat was going to be a lot more roomier and fuel hungry meaning more stops. The transferring stuff was the easy part but the stowing and securing and making sure the weight was even was the harder part. reducing the power to useless trinkets and over wiring cutting most of the leads from the main switch box was a solution to making sure a light didn't give away the boat at night or dry up the battery during the day. The refitting was a lot of work and the day was done leaving a few loose ends.