[h2][color=a187be]Clariel[/color] and AJ Husker's Resturant[/h2] Today was such a beautiful day. There was so much chaos in the air at Husker's. Between Jackson, Nefertari, Levi, Nate, Mel and AJ the place was teeming with it. Sure, Clariel was a little miffed that Neffy had blown them off, but that was too be expected. When Neffy ended something, it was ended for good. Clariel just loved stirring her up a bit. However, even Clar had to realized that they had pushed it a bit too far. Neffy had stuck her neck out far for the chaos demon, something that Clar did need reminding of from time to time. [i][color=a187be]"Note to self, don't piss off any more vamps. On last chance with Nef,"[/color][/i] They mentally noted. Soon the clock rolled over to two, and Clar hung up their chef jacket. [color=a187be]"Headed up front, working bar tonight,"[/color] they called out to the head chef, who simply sighed. Clariel walked up front and went behind the bar, giving Levi and Mel a wink. They then looked around and spotted AJ. Oh cute little AJ. [color=a187be]"Hey sweetie, got any drinks you need me to get ready for you,"[/color] they said, grinning. AJ was busy, as always, however, two in the afternoon was always a good time. Not to busy, not to slow, and everyone was officially at work. The crowd had sort of cleared out, to an extent. One person walked in, another out. Looking outside the window she would see a few dark clouds. [i]I hope it just rains before my shift ends,[/i] she thought, mentally. And then there was a familiar voice cutting through her thoughts. Turning towards the sound, she would see no other person that Clariel, a smile on their face. "As a matter of fact, I just had a guy order a White Russian," she said, returning the smile. In her opinion it was a bit early in the day to begin drinking, but, to each his own. [color=a187be]"One White Russian coming right up. Say darlin', got any plans tonight?"[/color] Clariel started pulling the needed ingredients from the bar, and was pouring them out. [color=a187be]"I mean for when you get off shift... since you're not working the night shift, right cutie?"[/color] Clariel added, pulling out a glass. They looked over AJ and smirked internally. [color=a187be]"Also, I gotta know something,"[/color] Clariel scooted over towards the young girl, [color=a187be]"Rumor has it that Levi got asked out by one of the regulars. Is it true?"[/color] They whispered with a sly look towards the other bartender. "Nah. I got stuck with it Wednesday through Saturday though. However.. no plans here. Why do ya ask?" AJ had the slightest idea of where this was going. After all, it was Clariel, who seemed to always be in the most flirtatious of moods. AJ walked on over to the bar, leaning over to answer there question as she bit her bottom lip in a wide grin of excitement. "It is! And you'll never guess who it was!" She dropped her voice lower, to only were the two of them could here. "Jackson. That's who." Clariel's eyes widened. No, they would have never guessed that. They frowned a bit in thought. Didn't Neffy date him once? Or was that some other vampire douche? They shook their head and grinned. [color=a187be]"Really now? Y'know that would explain why he comes in here every day,"[/color] Clariel said, looking at AJ. [color=a187be]"Did he accept or did Levi just back out claiming some father thing?"[/color] Clariel sighed. That boy needed to get laid, but mostly, he need to escape. Clar knew what was going on. They had touched Levi enough to get an idea of what was going on with them. [color=a187be]"As for why I asked... I believe there is a Jazz club with a sweet new band playing tonight, and I do know how you like your music. Wanna go?"[/color] Clariel said, smiling at the younger woman. [color=a187be]"Pure intents, I promise,"[/color] they said, holding up one hand and then winked. "That's what I was thinking." She couldn't help but scoff before stating her next comment. "Oh course Levi froze up and explained he had to take care of his pops. Sometimes I wish that boy would just grow a pair. I love him, but still." She continued to think for a moment, wiping of the bar counter in the process, random thoughts going through her head as usual once again. However when Clar started talking again, she would tune in to listen. Hmm.. new band.. music. It sounded like a good deal. However, it was them. AJ just looked up at them, glaring playfully as she looked at their expression. With a sigh, she would break out into a grin. "Fine, fine. I'll go." Clariel had to smirk. AJ was an interesting person, for a human. Not afraid to speak her mind. It was attractive to Clariel. All sorts of chaos came from someone like that. Clariel smiled. [color=a187be]"I will never do anything you never ask for dear,"[/color] Clariel said with a grin and gave a wink to the human. That was true. Demon or not, Clar never did anything that was unwanted. Of course, they had their ways. [color=a187be]"We can head off together after shift. I believe I get off the same time as you do. Should be fun,"[/color] Clar said and set the finished White Russian on the counter. [color=a187be]"Drink's up cutie."[/color] "I like the way you think, Clar," AJ said, picking the drinks up from the counter. "Sounds like a plan." And with that little note, she was back to waiting the tables, a smile on her face as she though about this afternoon. Clariel grinned to themselves as they walked AJ walk off and gave a small chuckle. Perfect.