"Watch it! If you fall, where am I gonna find another initiate to stare at a wall?" The wonderful humor of the Red Ravens. To some they were known as a secret circle of asssassins and it was a well earned reputation. This band of warriors, mages, and thieves were handpicked to carry out more shady acts for the King. No matter how peaceful a kingdom looks, there are always threats lurking in the shadows and Tasec is no different. King Richard Flamehart has been one of the most controversial to sit upon the throne in the whole millenia the family has done so. As such, business has been good for the Red Ravens. Good for the Ravens, not too good for Ryder. The young half-elf joined up with the Red Ravens with a promise of fighting for a great cause, but most of his work has been castle patrols. He's vocal about what he views as a punishment, but is reassured he's merely the low man on the totem as the newest recruit. He'll serve his time as all of them have. When he is ready, the Ravens will have him take on the more high profile assignments. In the meantime, Ryder spent his days wandering the castle walls far from any conflict on the kingdom's borders. His partner, Kayel, didn't help matters much. The arrogant human noble gladly accepted a position with the Ravens to live an easy life in Valeria. He was more than happy to enjoy the luxaries of the castle and keep an eye on the princess. He especially liked being the superior Raven on the grounds and constantly bossed Ryder and the others around. Everytime he heard Kayel's annoying voice, Ryder wieghed the possibility of jumping off the castle's turret. The fall would shatter every bone in his body. With his luck, he'd live to hear about it. "Well, Kayel, I'd imagine you'd drag one of the ones you made clean the latrines for the fourth time today." Ryder made no attempt to hide his distaste for Kayel. The blonde swordsman was too thick to catch it. "What can I say, those things get filthy!" Kayel smirked. He stood behind Ryder, but he knew that there was a smirk painted across that pampered face. Ryder jumped off the turret. Unfortunately, it was back on to the castle wall. He turned to face his superior. "The sun is only just rising. Half the castle is still asleep." Ryder continued his patrol. He made sure to bump shoulders with Kayel before he increased his pace. Ryder heard Kayel curse under his breath as Ryder disappeared into the tower and started down the stairs. He'd cross the royal quarters to check on the family and then continue his patrols on the south wall. He liked to watch the city come alive just beyond the wall.