Serena was throwing levers and slamming buttons wildly as her ship entered earths atmosphere, "Oh come on! you can handle a warpjump but not the atmosphere of this crummy planet!" As the words left her lips her left engine fell apart, "Me and my big mouth." She grabbed the controls and kissed her ring as her yellow suit appeared on her body so that she could survive the crash, She was aimed directly for Manhattan, she opened up her comm on her ship and started broadcasting over radio waves and through cell phones and most machines throughout the city, "mayday...mayday...This is captain Serena Ross of the..." She paused for a moment and looked onto the ships dashboard for the name she had failed to notice when she stole the thing, "Of the SS Crystal...I've taken heavy damage and am unable to land safely...I am going to attempt to land in the bay..." Before she could say anymore her right engine exploded into a ball of flames as she went careening into the bay...