Jax looked at his spear, barely better than start gear, he had received a quest from the first town for a better weapon but it had been a marginal upgrade. While his amour had kept pace with his exploration of the game reasonably well his weapon... not so much. Yet he felt a certain attachment to the weapon, after-all he had gotten this far with it. He grinned, "[b]Quite a coincidence indeed. I would be very interested in looking at this spear of yours.[/b]" The amour he briefly considered but the spear was what really caught his attention. Of course Jax preferred one handed weapons and from the glance he sneaked at the trade menu it was a two-handed item. Of course if the stats were good enough and the price was right... He held his hand out making it clear he wanted the spear to be handed over so he could look at it, "[b]Of course I won't steal it, I just want a good look at it.[/b]" Jax hadn't spent much money since the start of the death game since he'd had no reason to; so the small nest egg he had built up should be more than enough to afford it. If not maybe he could work out some sort of debt thing, maybe loan out his services?