[Center][h2][color=ed145b]Victorica[/color][/h2][/center] Headmaster noticed Victorique her presence and immediately saw that Kaori was sleeping too. This might not have been not so bad for Victorique as for Kaori. Victorique hoped the girl would just stay asleep for now and that the teacher did not take a mental note of it. The teacher also claimed the traps weren't safe for Kaori herself. As the teacher lectured her about her traps she noticed another familiar presence closing up on them. Her roomie was to fast, the forest surrounding them covered part of the usual sight they always have so it was harder to react to these kind of circumstances. Since it was already to late to warn him it might be better to just continue the conversation with her teacher [color=ed145b]"It's good against people with lots of lust."[/color] She looked down while sitting high up in one of the branches of the tree. The usual calm face and smile. At the same time her roomie also looked up and seemed rather unpleased by her. Had it gone to far? Well it wasn't completely her fault either way. No one would have tried to get this close to Kaori as this soul [color=ed145b]"As for Kaori her safety. I don't think she will move that fast during her sleep, so when she awakes i'll simply warn her"[/color] Victorique jumped down from high up and landed softly onto the ground. She glared at her roomie while jumping down and tried to help him by cutting the rope but he had already found a solution. He was still high up in the tree so she figured to give him a hand. She untied the remaining part of the trap she had set and also pulled the rope that was before stuck on his leg towards her when he finished untying it. She tied one of her kunai to one of the ends of the rope and slung it around. She then trew the kunai up in the tree around a branch that looked sturdy and was higher up then Hikaru. She let go of the other end and made a perfect safe climbing rope down for Hikaru [color=ed145b]"Next time the enemy won't be as nice not to cut your throat while your stuck."[/color] Victorique sounded like she was serious but didn't show as much expression as there was suppose to be. She then left, to accompany the teacher for a fight. Before she joined the teacher in a fight something remarkable caught her eye. The boy Yoshito was sitting at the river side and she hadn't even noticed him. Furthermore he might freak out if he saw an unknown someone in an area of peace and nature. So she refrained from approached until she knew him slightly better and he was informed better of her existence. Victorique stood before her teacher and smiled once more at him before she deeply inhaled and suddenly had a very serious look on her face. She raised her scarf in front of her mouth and unsheathed her katana that was bound to the back of her waists and holded it steadily in her right hand. She deeply glared at sin'chi and bended down through her knees a little to give herself a boost. She then rushed towards sin'chi and tried landing the first strike on his chest with the back of her blade while sweeping away his left leg with one of hers. She expected him to block such a blunt strike but not the next one, she then jumped back and immediately went in for another strike. She used the same strike as before but this time trusted it towards the teacher by pushing the bottom of her katana with the other hand. (grammar edit)