[@Snarfulblast][@Tyki][@Wraithblade6] Shiro didn't even bother killing the shadow clone, knowing it's nature the moment he saw it. It contained no life of it's own, it was a mere reflection of the true being. And yet even as he jumped towards the amphibian creature, blade in hand, a lightning strike erupted in front of him, forcing him back. He hissed, his kill having been stolen from him. But he also recognized the true threat here. The Guardians had been unable to catch him, and he was able to launch powerful long-range attacks. It was clear the midget was the real threat here, and he would need to watch out for him. It was then that a dragon appeared out of nowhere, it's breath of frost encasing a Guardian in a complete block of ice. It was a norse dragon, one of the ancient enemies of the Dragon Emperor. They were traitors to their own kind, a filthy abomination. The lesser relatives of truly great creatures, to be hunted down and killed at every possible opportunity. Shiro had heard legends of their greed, of their hate, of their arrogance. He would need to ensure this dragon did not escape, and he jumped towards it. Dodging and ducking, he had completely ignored the midget's words, attempting to quite literally cut off one of their means of escape. He jumped from shadow to shadow, narrowly dodging a blast of frost in his direction, using his special sight to anticipate his opponent's moves before they happened. Markus found himself once more charged by a Guardian, as they spread out through the garden. However, he also felt the air shift. As if a storm were coming, and one not in his control. It was like a pressure, an immense wall of power ready to roll over this world, and he could feel the skies beginning to churn out of his control. A power was opposing his abilities, challenging his control of the sky with their own might. And Markus had no doubt that whatever was coming would be far more dangerous than a couple of overgrown spiders. A being with control over the storm to rival his own. Mithias, even as he began to teleport away, was covered in tiny, glowing figures. Some humanoid, others more like animals. Strange insects with glowing eyes and shifting bodies, tiny people with massively oversized heads. They sat on Mithias and whispered to him, asking him who he was, what he was. He could feel the plants growing over his body, shielding him from the rest of the world, even as these tiny creatures indulged their curiosity. After all, he was the only one not currently engaged in destroying things.