[color=0072bc][b]NEMO ALTARE[/b][/color] Nemo's eyes panned across the courtyard, observing the shaded hue of the throngs from behind his glasses. He rested his chin on his folded hands. They all looked so alike...and yet, so different. Each seemed to hold within them this self-same feeling...pride, pride to be "here". Proud to serve, proud to live with "honor". Not so many of them would be nearly as "proud" to die. On the contrary, he could already imagine their faces, contorted and distressed, caught in an unbreakable grip, slowly being chucked into gaping jaws. One could only feel pity for this lot...even now, as they naively chit-chattered away, so ignorant as to the evils they would eventually have to face. ...unspeakable evils, of both titans and men alike. And then, his gaze caught a certain character standing out among the crowd. Well..more like trying to shrink down into it, based on her current posture. What had caused this unfortunate creature to act so, when all around her there were so many sharing their thoughts and dream? Gleefully they stood around her circle, completely unknowing or uncaring for a comrade in distress. Something triggered in Nemo's mind, and he felt empathy for the girl. Sliding through the crowd, he made his way over to the shrunken female, standing beside her (Caroline), speaking quite calmly: [color=0054a6]"...what troubles you so?"[/color] His eyes hidden behind his goggles, it would've been quite hard to tell the boy's feelings as he spoke. However, his voice was so calm, so soft, that it was quite apparent he asked only in the best of interests, genuinely concerned for the feelings of this blossom among the field of buds.