"You suspect an exicus spell to be his method of cloaking? That would indeed explain how well he could hide himself, however there is one problem with that: If the rune of an exicus spell is hidden from any detection, it will not work, since the spirits cannot read the undetectable. As such, there is no self-concealing exicus spell. Yes, there are exicus spells to conceal other objects or beings, but the rune cannot conceal itself. If he used an exicus spell, we should have found the rune used to cast it. Either freshly drawn or somewhere where it was hidden during the fight. The other 2 options would be that he used a vitae spell, or that he had help from someone else, who was either observing the fight, or asked by Nawar to conceal him." Im̀£gor reasoned in response to Alexanders hypothesis, when he was suddenly struck by an idea: "What if he didn't use a concealment spell, but a teleportation or transportation spell?"