[h2][b]Magnus the Red[/b][/h2] 'Don't make me do it, lad,' I say jovially to Rex, before quickly realising that the fox-eared girl is talking, and promptly remain totally silent for a bit. An uncharacteristically long bit. There's a whole thing with Rex proclaiming that he'll protect fox ears with his life or what have you if anyone mentions her fox ears in a bad light, then a bunch of people turn up, then the innkeeper keeps talking... ye Gods, these people talk a lot. 'Ya know, all ye have ta do ta not insult anybody is ta... well, not insult anybody. Ah'm jus' sayin', is all. Now on the other hand, light-hearted mockin' is all well an' good,' I elaborate, 'an' somebody who can appreciate tha' is a fine individual in my book.' I finish with a smile, which broadens as the maid walks over. 'I think tha' was jus' me yer talkin' about, lass,' I say to her. 'The School a Devastation, an' a fine school a battlemages it is. And since yer askin', ah believe ah asked fer some booze jus' a few minutes ago? Ah mean, if tha' sad sack gets some soon as walks in...' I finish, jerking my head towards the very softly-spoken dwarf over yonder. Near us. Either-or.