[quote=@Hexaflexagon] [@Sep] Yeah that is fine we already went over what we needed to go over in PM so as long as the touch ups are made we are good. ^-^ [/quote] You know me and those histories. We just don't get along... -fights bio in private- Though yeah I'll add to it at some point hopefully if I garner up the time. As the CS is the hard part ;) [hr] [quote=@Peaceless] Sheet for approval: - Fixed that bio issue you didn't like - Added explanation for tech slicer [hider=2020] [b]Name:[/b] HK-2020TEM [b]Callsign:[/b] 2020 [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Gender:[/b] Droid [b]Species:[/b] HK-type Combat Droid, Experimental Tech Evaluation model [b]Combat Role:[/b] Technician/Sniper [b]Years In Mynock Squad:[/b] 0.1 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Picture][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ghost-recon-future-soldier/images/0/0c/640x1243_6228_Drone_04_The_Sniper_3d_sci_fi_mech_zbrush_droid_drone_sniper_picture_image_digital_art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130721013620[/img] [/hider] 2020 is very large, compared to a combat droid. He is almost 2 meters tall, and much heavier than he appears. Regardless of his slick design, his movements are slow and measured, but contain a powerful mechanical relentnessness that make any decision an eventuality rather than an immediate threat. His design appears jury-rigged, and rightfully so: Compared to the original model, he is fit with reinforced armor plates in key locations, advanced sensors, and equipment evaluation hardware usually present on assembly-line worker droids. Many of his parts do not fit in color, hinting at frequent repairs and replacements. 2020's voice is deep and calm, but crisp enough to convey that slowness of motion does not mean slow processing. [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] [list][*]Weapon Specialist - 2020 is an expert in maintenance and modification of a large variety of military gear, with emphasis on weapons and armor. He also possesses a generalization algorithm that allows him to quickly understand how to operate, and if necessary fix, a piece of equipment he meets for the first time. This does not make him the best marksman or pilot, just the one quickest to find the ignition button, or the safety switch. [*]One-shot Marksman - 2020's extensive study of weapon ballistics allows him to fire a large amount of single-fire rifles with extreme accuracy. He is even able to reach optimal firing parameters in bad weather or in motion, though it might take a shot or two. When using auto-fire weapons, his accuracy drops dramatically due to his inability to compensate between shots. [*]Tech Slicer - 2020 is fitted with offensive hardware and software used to assault enemy tech. His equipment is not meant for network-wide assault, but more for comandeering end-user terminals and controlling their peripherals (such as locally-operated turret systems, electronic/mechanical locks, protected vehicles, etc). [*]Machine Strength - 2020 is fairly slow, and almost helpless in melee or hand-to-hand combat. But once he gets hold of an enemy, the fight would end there and then. His chassis is reinforced with thick armor and overcharged servos, originally meant for testing the maximum strength and resilience that can be gained by upgrading an HK model, and the result is devastating to anyone not quick enough. This strength also enables him to fire ridiculously large weapons with high accuracy, but renders usage of most standard melee weapons impossible.[/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Experimental Coil-Accelerated Anti-Armor Slugthrower - This rifle was originally meant for ambushing light-armored convoy from a known position. Deployed similarly to a mortar, it would be carried on a car or disassembled and shared among a team of soldiers, and once deployed would remain stationary. The CAAS hasn't reached the assembly line yet, but this model is the newest and most reliable of all prototypes. It is too heavy to be carried by humans, but for 2020 it is just the right weight. The ultra-hard magnetically accelerated bullets are powerful enough to tear through an AT-ST and severely damage a light armored troop transport. Their effect on humanoid carbon-based meatbags is... well, amusing. It takes a few seconds to recharge between shots. [*]Mandalorian Standard Issue Heavy Blaster - Always set on single fire. Always. [*]Custom-machined Composite Alloy HK-2020 Armor Plates - Upgraded armor for the HK-2020 model. Especially effective against close proximity explosions. [*]Radar Jammer [*]Short Range Communications Jammer [*]Toolkit [*]Breaching Charges [*]HK-2020 Sensor Upgrade - Short range radar, heat vision, ultra-lowlight vision, sonar, electronic "nose" for detection of explosives.[/list] [b]History:[/b] Dissatisfied with the limited array of "legal" upgrade options on Mandalorian weaponry, a leading weapons researcher decided to devote a whole assembly line to customizable upgrades for all standard-issue mandalorian equipment. He would assign some experimental models of optics, sub-barrel grenade launchers, overchargers and more to some greenhorns from squads that his factory supplied (since the veterans refused to try new things), but the results weren't satisfactory - The greenhorns were either unable to use these upgrades properly, or would use them wrong and blow up. One day, in a casual status report meeting with his boss, he got an idea - He could configure a droid to try out all parameters of a given upgrade, then proceed to stress tests, and eventually submit a full evaluation report that would take it days to complete, while a human would take months. He found a discontinued model in one of the facility's scrapyards, repaired it and programmed it with the task. Soon he realized the greenhorns would explode not due to mistakes, but due to equipment faults, and after the droid's 8th replacement of hands and legs decided to upgrade the droid's armor. Luckily, this particular model was meant for heavy loads and the upgrade did not affect its performance. From a certain point of view, it would also be considered lucky that it had one of the most advanced AI versions that one can find in the black market - the HK persona. It was thus not surprising that the droid's performance improved daily. It quickly learned from past experience and found the best way to test any kind of equipment, shortening time-to-market by tens of percents. But once the product line was ready for public testing, another side-effect of this revealed itself - the droid was very critical towards improper use of the facility's equipment. For hours it would lecture newbies and veterans alike, on topics from programmable wind compensation to sight knob backlash, until one day his victim was a field martial of the Neo-Crusaders. The man challenged the droid to best him in a shooting contest, if he's so "smart". And on any weapon they used, the droid's first shot was better. After the contest, the man said he's enrolling the droid into the Neo-Crusaders, regardless of the scientist's protest. To repay this "favor", he signed a contract that allowed the droid to record all technical battle data and send it to the scientist periodically. Kind of like writing home to your parents, only your parents are a crazy weapon nerd, and you are a huge death machine. Before shipment, the droid was cleaned, tested, and outfitted with an upgraded sensor array as well as evaluation tools to use on the weapons he was testing. And fortunately, while he was evaluated for a role in the Neo-Crusaders, these were found very useful in any situation enemy tech could be interfaced with. This, along with his ability with rifles, set 2020 as a Sniper/Technician. [b]Psychological Analysis:[/b] It's strange to analyze a droid psychologically, but that's the problem with the HKs - They have no choice but to develop a personality. In most cases, it is some kind of perfectionalism about a certain topic. In most cases, that topic is death and destruction - and 2020 is not different. His goal is to constantly collect combat data for his owner, but obviously, firing the same gun over and over again at the same target becomes useless after a while. So he constantly seeks the perfect shot, the perfect modification parameter, in as many different weapons as possible. His Experimental CAAS gun is a constant topic of research, since it was built more as an evaluation tool than an actual weapon, and thus allows for much micro-management. This makes him openly critical towards any squad member or otherwise weapon user that "does it wrong". He is always happy to give out advice, even if it is unnecessary or impossible to follow. But as annoying as it can get, most of them remember that he would always out-gun them on the first shot of their own favorite gun. [b]Chracter Relations:[/b] TBA[/hider] [/quote] Competition, Shots mine you tin can :P