I hope this is to your liking. If there are any issues please don't hesitate to say so. I also tried having a go at the relationships bit; opinions are welcome. [hider=Dredd] [centre][h3]Milos Dredd[/h3] [img]http://blogs-images.forbes.com/erikkain/files/2015/05/the-witcher-3-cgi-trailer.png[/img][/centre] [b]Name:[/b] Milos Dredd [b]Nick-name:[/b] ‘Snowflake’ (although he hates that name and only a couple of people can get away with calling him that) [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Echani [b]Combat Role:[/b] Close quarters and infiltration [b]Years in Mynock Squad:[/b] 4 [b]Appearance:[/b] Dredd stands at about 5ft11 (perhaps plus/minus a cm or two), and has a very athletic build with well-toned and taut muscles. Whilst clearly very healthy and strong, he is not particularly big looking, with his muscles having been trained more for endurance than raw power – ‘wiry’ is perhaps the best term to describe him. Like most Echani his skin is as pale as snow and he would be indistinguishable from most his kin were it not for his beard and multiple scars (including one on his right cheek). His silver hair is kept no longer than shoulder length and he will tie it back most of the time, more out of practicality than vanity. His face looks much like the [url=http://blogs-images.forbes.com/erikkain/files/2015/05/the-witcher-3-cgi-trailer.png]picture above[/url], but slightly younger with silver eyes. When not in armour, Dredd will dress as lightly as the weather permits. Even though he has gotten used to the Mandalorian armour, he still prefers a greater freedom of movement. [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b][list] [*]Echani martial artist – Dredd has spent his entire life being trained in hand to hand combat, using it as a tool of communication and expression as much as he does a weapon. He is more than capable of disarming many opponents if he is able to get close enough. [*]Stealth – Although he is not the smallest and most nimble of infiltrators, Dredd is still very skilled when it comes to stealth, and more than makes up for his size by utilizing his wits and close quarters combat prowess. Top of the line stealth equipment helps too! [*]Dual vibroknives – For the better part of a decade Dredd has mixed the use of vibroknives in with his martial arts, particularly since entering the battlefields. Although he is incredibly capable using these in a straight on fight, he usually uses them to silently eliminate targets from the shadows. [*]’Hacker/slicer’ – Whilst he definitely has not got much to brag about, he is competent at getting into basic computers and security systems. He’s always learning though, and if all else fails there’s always thermal charges! [*]Jet packs – Like most (hopefully all) in his squad, Dredd knows how to use a jet-pack and with a moderate degree of skill. He doesn’t rely on his as much as others though, as it often works against his attempts at stealth. [/list] [b]Equipment[/b][list] [*]Dual vibroknives – Dredd carries with him two vibroknives which although are good quality, are nothing special. His left hand is stronger. [*]2 x thermal charges – Dredd carries these with him just in case he comes across a system that he can’t hack, but needs to get through. Why cry over a keypad when you can blast a hole in the wall? [*]Stealth Field Generator – Dredd wears a belt that allows him to camouflage with his surroundings. Whilst only the more aware and observe might notice him standing in the middle of the room, he tends to stick to the shadows just to be safe. Its effectiveness wears off the faster the wearer moves. [*]Customised helmet – Dredd wears the standard Neo-Crusader helm, however he has had it modified so that he is able to use night-vision and infra-red vision. On the outside it looks no different. [*]Mandalorian Shock Trooper Armor and Jet Pack– Dredd wears the more standardised variant of the armour and it is silver in colour, signifying him being a veteran warrior. His armour is often dirty and covered in mud or ash, as he prefers to cover himself in darker substances. In truth there are other armours he would rather use. [/list] [b]History:[/b] [i]Dredd was born on Eshan, the home world of the Echani people. Dredd was born the sixth of eight children, and was the fifth of six sons. As many of his race do, he looked identical to his brothers and father. Growing up he felt deprived of individuality and attention, viewing himself as just a carbon copy of his family. As a result he strived to be better from a young age and became incredibly competitive. This was rather fortunate considering the Echani culture, as from a young age he was taught to fight. Like most Echani he was taught that hand to hand combat was a form of pure expression and could be used as a method of communication. By the time he reached adulthood he had almost mastered the martial arts of his people, and locally had earned quite the reputation. Still, this was not enough. Even though he could best his siblings and all in his village, he still did not feel like he was different and still yearned to stand out more. As a result he found himself leaving his village and heading to the capital city. He spent all his money during his travels and by the time he reached the great city of Erato, he had nothing to his name and was forced to live on the street. Quickly he found himself resorting to theft, stealing from stalls and even fighting people for their possessions. It was a dark time, yet it brought him comfort. He began to revel in the thrills lifestyle and soon began to take on more complex thefts, breaking into mansions and the like. It was during this period that he began using vibroblades, knowing that his hand-to-hand might not always be enough to get him out of trouble. His stealth skills grew and grew over the years as he continued on his thieving rampage. He was a delinquent, an outsider, someone to be shunned and denounced – and that meant he was different. He may have looked like everyone else, and he may have shared their culture, but he was different and that was what he wanted. Like all sprees however, his came to an abrupt end. A quite pathetic end actually. He was shocked unconscious by a faulty security system whilst trying to break into a store. The system had been a botch job, and had Dredd not been caught out by it, the owner himself probably would have. When Dredd awoke he found himself prisoner on an unknown ship, along with a small collection of other rough looking figures. It turned out that rather than being sent to a local prison, he was intercepted by a local crime lord that he had unknowingly robbed. The crime lord stuck Dredd on his ship to be sold as a slave, as repayment for the items he had stolen. That was when he first encountered the Mandalorians. The Echani and the Mandalorians had been rivals for some time, both being cultures that placed much importance in being respected warriors. As such the Mandalorians sometimes found themselves raiding Echani ships in order to satisfy their first for combat, and one of these ships happened to be the one which Dredd was being held prisoner on. The Mandalorians bombarded the ship to begin with, more to ensure it couldn’t get away rather than to blow it up, before then hijacking it and annihilating everyone on board. During the initial bombardment however, the cells and security systems were damaged which allowed Dredd to break loose and try fight his way through both his criminal captives and the Mandalorian raiders. There was no way he was escaping though, and eventually he found himself cornered by the raid leader and a few others. Although unarmed, he was able to take a few down before being knocked to the ground. He would have been killed then and there like every other soul on board were it not for the raid leader both being impressed and noticing the slave collar. He gave Dredd an ultimatum: Join or die. Following his ‘rescue’ of sorts, Dredd then served the Mandalorians, learning their ways and finding a path he could follow. The Mandalorians were so different, made up of so many races and background, and yet held similar beliefs to him. He knew immediately that it was there that he belonged. He spent three years on operations, taking part in various raids and battles. Quickly his superiors began to take recognition of his skill set and began sending him on infiltration missions, which on a few occasions allowed them to turn the tides of battle. It was because of this skill set that he was drafted into the Mynock Squad. Although he was still fairly inexperienced and new to the crusade, the Mynock Squad had lost their infiltrator and Dredd was the closest decent one at hand. After a couple of successful missions the Squad decided he had earned his place and chose to keep him on rather than replace him.[/i] [b]Psychological Analysis:[/b] [i]Dredd is a warrior by birth, brought up like all in his community to believe that combat was the purest form of expression and was to be respected. In this he is also a true Mandalorian and he yearns to fight above all else. Due to his early years he has, what other Echani used to think, was an unhealthy obsession with being different and standing out. In order to feed this obsession he strives to stand out by besting others, particularly in hand to hand combat. He is competitive to say the least. All this aside, Dredd is fairly talkative and enjoys goading and taunting those around him. He will often speak his mind and give advice where he has it. However he rarely talks of his feelings nor of his home; not because it is painful, but because such things simply do not interest him overly. The only time he speaks of home is when his fellow Mandalorians talk of fighting the Echani, at which point he usually becomes eager to spar with them. In battle he is very level headed, and whilst he does feel fear occasionally manages it well (usually through violent expression).[/i] [b]Character Relations:[/b] [list] [*]Rika – Having served under Rika for the last four years, he has built up a healthy rapport with his leader. He is particularly grateful for her choosing to keep him on, feeling honoured to serve in such an elite squad and get the chance to battle skilled enemies. Given that she also sees combat as a form of expression, he feels that he can sometimes communicate with her better. [*]Russ – Dredd and Russ joined around the same time and Dredd feels that they get on well, both taking the opportunity to throw quips in each other’s directions. [*]Ryleer – Ryleer is one of the few that know what it is like for the Mandalorians to fight their own people. Although Dredd has not directly had to fight his own people like Ryleer did (save for a couple of ship raids), he feels he is able to show an empathy that others may not. He often tries to get Ryleer to spar with him. [*]Enu'falu – Dredd still doesn’t really know her that well. [*]Mar – Despite having served with each other for four years the two rarely speak, as often they are on opposite sides of the battle field. [*]HK-2020TEM – Dredd is somewhat suspicious of the new droid. [/list] [/hider] [hr] EDIT: Hexaflexgaon, your name rings a bell. Did we RP together before?