Agent: Louisiana Location: Freelancer cruiser 13:39 "[color=00746b]Fuuuuck! S'cuse me, pardon me, one side, ooh hey, nice ass. What? It's a compliment![/color]", These were all the telltale sounds of Agent Louisiana making his way towards the training room as quickly as his legs and attention span could get him there. The freelancer had been wrist deep in an M383C demolition kit when the announcement had gone off. Said kit was also the reason he was late, considering he couldn't exactly leave something like that just sitting on the bed of his quarters. After putting his "toys" away and making sure that they weren't going to go blowing a hole in the ship, Louisiana had made a beeline for the training room, all but sprinting through the corridors and around people to get there before he could incur the wrath of Agent Texas. The evidence of his rushing made itself apparent as he bolted through the entrance of the training room and immediately hunched over to place his hands on his knees. "[color=00746b]Hey party people, hope you didn't get started without me.[/color]" He said weakly in between ragged breaths, "[color=00746b]Holy shit i'm outta shape...[/color]" the freelancer muttered before recomposing himself enough to actually ask what was going on.