Olivia had been waiting patiently for Shawn's return. She was scootched down in one of the remaining chairs, her head on one arm rest and her legs dangling off the other. She kicked her legs back and forth, her feet thumping against the chair, humming contently as she occupied herself in simple ways like playing with her braid and brushing the loose hair at the end over one of her palms like a paintbrush over canvas. When Shawn appeared Olivia smiled. His hair drew her attention. It was a little shaggy, but she liked it. Olivia swung her legs around and sat up before pushing herself out of the chair. She meandered over to Shawn and reached up with both hands in order to run her fingers through his hair. It was soft to the touch. Smiling again, Olivia gave Shawn a quick peck on the lips before she wound her arms around his shoulders. "I like your hair," she commented. "It's shaggy, but it makes you look cute." At his questioned she let out a hum. For the past two days they had slept together either in her boat or his. Now they had a new home that they shared, so why not keep it up? "How about we just share the bedroom?" Olivia suggested. Her question was straight-forward and innocent, not meant to be provocative. Not that [i]she[/i] wasn't having some rather... heated... thoughts of her own from time-to-time. She was just trying not to dwell on them too much because she realized that if she tried to act on them now she would get scared and would shy away. For now Olivia was more than content to have her arms around Shawn and his around her, to kiss him and be kissed. Gentle, easy things that didn't scare her. It wasn't that Shawn scared her--just the memories she had of a dark night. Shawn himself was... Well to Olivia he was simply amazing. He was both cute and handsome, sweet, always a gentleman, smart and handy. Olivia sure as hell didn't know how to work with wires, so earlier she had been admiring how Shawn had been able to take care of the ship's electrical components so easily. "Two nights in a row we slept in the same bed--or on the same bench," Olivia said. She shrugged and added, "Don't see much reason to change it, unless you'd rather sleep separately. Oh, before we go to bed though I was hoping we could talk more about what we should do when we get to Canada. Would that be alright, Shawn, or are you too tired?"