Glad to have the enthusiasm Stein. Since you're here I'll run by some roles I'd like filled (but are by no means mandatory) by interested players. 1) [u]The Crowd Favorite - [/u]The racer everyone's got money riding on. Could be last years champion, could be a rookie on a hot streak. Either way this sorceracer is [b]good[/b] and knows it. 2) [u]The Underdog - [/u]Second-runner-up in one of the King's Crowns this racer owes their place in the Planesway Invitational to a last minute drop out. Could be that the original racer didn't have the nerve, could be they met with a tragic accident. Either way the odds are against them. 3) [u]The Fixer - [/u]Not everyone races to win, and sometimes there's more riding on a bet than money. This soreracer is either crooked or coerced, but either way is planing on throwing the race. The object would be hold first place during the last leg of the race, then make out like a bandit by taking a dive down to last. [color=aba000]Also, a bit on the race from the IntCheck: The race will transition from track to track via lacunae (singular: lacuna) Not so much gateways as proper gaps between one plane and the next. Hard to miss since the rest of a plane will just be 'missing' around these anomalies. The 'starting line' is actually a straight vertical drop into one such Lacuna, after which racers will find themselves steering down an steep, volcanic slope in the elemental plain of fire. All while outrunning the scheduled eruption.[/color]