[@RomanAria] Nono, me and duck won't mix. See, Duck spent like a half dozen iterations of the Star Empires reboots (even though each one has tried to have a new name) as magical ponies, and even now, he spends most of the time as humans which are really really close to those magical ponies (as in, the same in all but how they're shaped), and has the exact same names and personalities for them, and I find it annoying when everyone's only reused a nation only two or three times. Most of the time, one or two of those re-uses was because the RP died early. That and duck is kind of like a dictator, and is always demanding this and that, and has gotten into multiple arguments with Keyguy over how a rp will turn out- actually ordering/demanding a GM that he allow his nation to beat his up, destroy their military, and annex them, actually- and so I really have next to little faith in him because of it. The only reason I'm in the reboot he's GMing right now is because of the roleplay itself- I'm loyal to the series, see. Of course, I've never RPed with duck outside of nation roleplaying, but I don't think I want to talk to a man who can turn into a magical pony, so... And if you haven't noticed, I'm feeling in a really honest, I-don't-give-a-sheep mood right now, because I just had a minor anxiety attack and went to go see my psychologist earlier, and I'm in an unusually light mood, and I'm sick and tired of this shit called life, and so yeah. I guess a normal person would say I'm in an asshole-ish mood rn.