Though he was still seated on the ground next to the woman's corpse, Shin was mystically transported to the hall once more. It seems that he was making a habit out of making very loud entrances, as Shin's manic laughter from the previous incident was still carrying on. It took him a good five seconds to notice that his setting had changed. It was like a switch, the laughter shut off almost instantly. With an awkward little cough and a slight grunt as he pushed himself back up to his feet, Shin looked around the room as quickly as possible. Observing everyone that had stayed behind as well as returned, though he couldn't tell who was and was not a competitor. The only obvious competitor was the angelic entity that had taken to observing a set of view-screens. With a slight air of exhaustion about him, simply from how he was holding his weight, Shin knew this fellow had finished his fight just as quickly as he had. Obviously a skilled fighter, Shin opted ignore him as he walked off down a hallway with plenty of doorways. Likely the rooms that had been mentioned by Skallagrim, so he followed suit shortly after Raelis had entered his own door. Tapping his fingers on the wall as he walked down the hallways he finally found a room with his name adorning the door. Pushing it open and stepping inside he noticed a lock on the door, which was peculiar. This place was, as Skallagrim mentioned, deathless. Would-be assassins would have a difficult time killing someone here, especially since Shin had noticed the wound in his jaw was already gone. Deciding to leave the door open and unlocked anyway, he entered the room and looked around slowly. Within his chambers there were a number of homey touches, a bit too homey. It looked almost exactly like the home that he lived in back in the mountains, except it was totally disarmed. Unfortunate, if he could have grabbed a better weapon from the walls he would have. Another feature was a spheroid automaton that brought him a hot cup of green tea with ginseng, his favorite. This made him tremendously uncomfortable, just how much did these 'dreamers' know about him? The thought was pushed from his mind when he noticed a series of large screens adorning the back of his room. These screens piqued his interest, as there were still fights going on within them. The first fight was between a man in a black mask and a weird not-entirely-human entity. It kind of irked him how there was someone ripping off his shtick, but there were plenty of people who wear black masks. It seemed that he was a swordsman, and it seemed that they were going pretty evenly. Though maybe the man with the black mask had a slight edge, seemed like he knew more about what he was doing than the other guy. The other fight was between some weirdo dogman and a soldier-and-or-warrior? There wasn't too much he could discern from somebody who was running from their fight. In fact, he couldn't even glimpse the abilities that he was using. The dogman was fast, and seemed to be exactly what you would expect from a dog. Fast and fierce, though he was clearly armed. A gun and a sword, and if that sword was what he thought it was, then he was about to get unreasonably angry. Some group of weirdos on the internet also worshiped this sort of thing, but Shin never delves that deeply into research about weird cults. Watching these screens was tedious, especially with only one eye. Two fights, four fighters, and one eye? Nothing of great importance was conveyed to him, except a few minor details about their movements. Shin sighed and dropped his head, staring down at his feet. [color=bc8dbf]"Man, I didn't even know the name of my opponent the first time. I'm an assassin, how am I supposed to deal with this on top of being ill equipped?"[/color] These complaints were voiced a little louder than he had intended for them to be. It carried and echoed down the hallways.[color=bc8dbf]"I really wish I hadn't forgotten my staff." [/color]