The crackle of thunder and the lights in the sky were hard to miss, except for one buried in vines and thorns. The roses tightened, confused as they seemed unable to kill an already dead creature. The voices seemed to be of no help. The spirit beings around him seemed very primitive in their intelligence, very childlike. Mithias had great willpower, but he realized that the bloodloss was beginning to take its toll. He would eventually become incapacitated if he stayed here long enough, and even dying psychologically could have dire consequences. He decided to break himself free. Exerting himself against the roses, he found they resisted him. He had to move suddenly and sharply to tear an arm free and get to his blades. His struggle was brief, but intense, and he sliced his way to the ground, glowing fairies darting off in puffs of sparkly dust everywhere. The plants suddenly took new notice of him, and he had to keep moving to dodge their grasp. He didn't really know where to go until he heard a shout. "...get aboard, and we'll get out of there 'ere nut house!" Well that sounded damn near perfect. His wounds already sealed, Mithias ran for the boat, climbing up its side and swinging himself over the railing onto the deck. A dwarf and a multi-winged angel were there, looking at him warily. Then, the aura from the angel hit him square on, and Mithias gasped and flopped onto the deck in unexplained weakness and terror. "Oh heavens! My bad." Eclipse snapped his fingers and his bunch of wings vanished. His appearance changed to that of a handsome young human with very white long hair. "I suppose even a vampire can be innocent under certain circumstances. I'll tone it down a bit." Mithias got up again, more perplexed than annoyed. What specifically annoyed him most at this moment was that he failed to prevent himself from reacting to his hallucinations. That is why he didn't speak to anyone yet.