Quickly Aurora became overwhelmed by the friendliness granted to her by the inn's guest and the inn's owner, but even then, at the unexpectancy of this friendly encounter, she quickly regained her lost composure. "I thank you very much for your endearing words, but I don't believe I will need company. I have lived on my own for a dozen years and survived in the arctic wastes on my own, I believe I can handle a 'scary dead city' on my own, too. What could be there that I have not yet encountered in my travels? And even if there was a surprise waiting to kill me, I still would not need help from anybody. My parents last words were to not trust anybody not of my species and I will honour their words." Her voice did neither quiver nor waver and remained cold as she continued speaking facing the other dwarf that had asked her about the connection between her mutations and the Creeping Death. "Both my parents were infected with the Creeping Death when I was conceived. Apparently I became immune to its effects in my mother's womb, but I developed these mutations at the same time. So, I have been looking like this since birth. However, I am not a lycan, but both the tail and my ears are fully functional. And I do not have two sets of ears. Anyway, my parents died from the Creeping Death, but, although I was so close to them and even drank from my mother's bosom, I did not contract the disease. I do not know if I can not still be infected. I have never tried for obvious reasons." While she was talking about her parents, her eyes developed a sheen making it seem as if she was staring into the distance.