Bah, most of these guys look like they just passed basic. Too many young people, not enough experience... Kradis was already unimpressed with the make up of the team, and wondered what the hell his superiors were thinking. Whatever the case may be, this was his new unit now. At least he would get to see some action again, something he hadn't had reliably in nearly a year and a half, so there was a silver lining. He was already dreading to think how many losses they would sustain in their first foray against anything larger than a bandit troop, but left open the possibility that these guys would pull through. Fact is, these guys WERE selected for a reason, so maybe it wasn't all bad. Still, it didn't hurt to be cautious. Ignorance gets people killed. As they passed through the ship, Kradis kept to the back of the group, and observed the hangars and, in particular, looked for Gammorah. Straining his eyes a bit, Kradis spotted his prized GEAR, loaded towards the back of the group, alone and having it's weapon pods fitted. Chip of the ol' block, eh Gammorah? Sometimes Kradis thought that his GEAR was his only companion, and that didn't bother him in the slightest. They had worked together for some time now, since he first signed up with the LDF and Gammorah knew him well. Sometimes the GEAR would even twitch, just like him. As a result, Kradis felt he had a spiritual bond with his machine, as absurd as that sounds. And because of that, Kradis would rather die himself than let Gammorah get destroyed. It made sense, at least to Kradis, that Gammorah had more to live for than himself. Eventually, they made it to their quarters, and were dismissed, albeit confined to their rooms for the time being. Kradis sighed, and went to his bunk. He'd set it up hours before, when the [i]Parvan[/i] first came into dock, so as to avoid the rush and hustle of various personnel running about to get ready for departure. He laid on the bed and rested his head, before booting up his PADD and reading the Landcruiser's file. He swept through articles, and took particular note of it's combat history, previous deployments and armaments. Quite a decorated vessel, and armed with enough fire power to level a settlement. In all actuality, it seemed a bit overboard for border patrols. Bandits don't stand a chance against a lone GEAR usually, let alone a Landcruiser... Kradis continued to read, and ignored what was going on in the main room. He'd been on this ship for forty minutes, and he already missed the open air.