[hider=Torian Aldritch] Name: Torian "Tor" Aldritch Age: 25 Sex: Male Race: Human Allegiance: Ferelden/ Chantry Class/Sub-class: Warrior/ Templar: Sword and Shield Appearance: [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090809031425/dragonage/images/e/ec/Alistair_concept.jpg[/img] Abilities: 1. Master Combat Training 2. Righteous Strike 3. Cleanse Area 4. Mental Fortress 5. Holy Smite 6. Shield Bash 7. Shield Defense Personality: Torian is a pious man, always serving the Chantry and blessing the Creator. He is more open minded though than most Templars, as he is able to see the good of mages and magic, and not just the evil. Though always vigilant for corruption he is seen as a kindly man more opt to defend others than attack. His shield is a bulwark from evil and boon to his allies as he swears to let no harm come to those he stands besides. His will is a solid wall bending to no adversity in his life and pillar for others to stand behind. Torian though suffers from one thing that all Templars do, and that is a severe addiction to Lyrium. History: Torian grew up around Red Cliff Village where his parents raised him to be devout in the Chantry's teachings, and his older brother taught him about swordplay. His brother latter in his childhood to join a band of mercenaries where Torian never heard about him again. Meanwhile he continued his studies at the Chantry and even played swords with his friends. While he was still young Torian's father sent him off to join the Templars, to further hone his fighting prowess and his devotion to the Creator, but most importantly, the Chantry. Torian was still a novice when the Blight struck Ferelden and was stationed at the Chantry in Highever. Luckily avoiding the most of the chaos in the south, and the at the Circle. Though he pleaded to join the front line in the siege of Denerim he was never allowed to leave to stand beside the Hero of Ferelden. Instead he stayed at the Chantry to finish his training and defend Highever from bandits and maintain order. It wasn't until a few years after the Blight that Torian was fully knighted as a Templar. Finally able to leave Highever he was placed in Denerim to help with reconstruction and aiding the land still recovering from the Blight. This would once again keep him at a distance from world events when the mages rebelled and the Templars left the Chantry. Torian was possibly one of the few Templars to stay with the Chantry during the rebellion as he viewed the Templars cessation as an act of blasphemy and desertion. Therefore he remained loyal to the Chantry throughout the panic of the Breach and the rebellion in whole. Now with this new threat to the world Torian refuses to sit in the shadows of history and let others fight without him. He has heard the call to arms by the Grey Wardens and he means to respond with sword and shield, and absolute faith to purge the wickedness from the world. To lift high the Chant of Light and let its brilliance burn away the corruption that plagues the land. [/hider]