[@MonkeyBusiness] While there is no [i]real[/i] issue as you didn't use any hard numbers in Hiroshi's history, I'd like to note that the Shinobi war was 10 years ago and that the war itself lasted 15 years. This [i]is[/i] in the OP, but it is a very small part of said OP, so I understand if you missed it or forgot. The reason I'm mentioning it is because it means that your 23 year old Hiroshi did not experience a time in his early life where there [i]wasn't[/i] war. So this line, "This prevented the puppet user from progressing for several years as the First Shinobi War drew closer," is not terribly accurate in regards to how history has played out. It's a minor change you may have to make either to his history or to his age. Your choice. Aside from that indiscrepency, the only thing I see that needs a very slight alteration is the fact that you left in the KG/Hiden section in combat data. Since he does not have one, you can remove that from the CS :) In basic info there's a section that says "Clan/KG" you can remove the part that says "kekkei genkai," and just put his last name in that spot. If his clan isn't terribly relevant/important in the village you don't have to do a clan sheet, no worries :) Beyond those VERY small issues, you are accepted my friend and may begin posting ICly. Notify me once your edits are made and you have posted the CS in the character bin so I can add Hiroshi to the roster ^_^