[@Impaqt] and [@GreivousKhan] Please remember the rules. This will not go until the end date of this round. Khan made the corrections two days ago. [color=6ecff6]Bracketed Rounds[/color] 1: Rounds are scheduled in 18 day intervals. You have 18 days to complete the fight. 2: You have 48 hours before a connection post. 3: You have 24 hours after a match to file for dispute resolution. 4: There MUST be a winner/judgment at each match. A judge will be assigned to the match. 5: Winners will advance and face the winner of the other match in their bracket. [color=fff79a]6: If an extension is needed due to real world activities, you must inform the judge and opponent immediately.[/color] [color=82ca9d]7: If there is no activity after 72 hours the match will be awarded to last poster.[/color]