"If the drink is short, you're welcome to the rest of this here fire whiskey, friend" Orodyuke said, sliding the vessel down the bar. He'd struggled to understand the other dwarf through his particular inflection, tenuous as his grasp on the trade tongue was, but he'd heard of the School of Devastation, and he respected a group that focused on training discipline and personal strength in a time such as this. He listened carefully to the fox girl's description, even going as far as to jot down a couple of the more forgettable details on a sheaf of notes he pulled from his pocket. the peculiarity of the case just went to show how complex a magic the Creeping Death was, and he wondered if he'd ever come close to understanding it in its entirety. "The Lady speaks the truth." he said as he was writing. "Species doesn't mean much anymore. Perhaps alone you can survive, but we're all in this mess together, and we need to unite if we're ever to have a shot at rebuilding this broken world." Orodyuke rose from his stool, shoving the notes back in their place. "I'll take you up on that offer" he said, now addressing the older woman. "But I've yet to properly introduce myself to any of you. Mine name is Orodyuke. A pleasure to meet you."