[center][h2]White Star's Character[/h2][/center] [center][color=crimson][h2]Ember Wave[/h2] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_gI47WhshVqU/S7N56s2EVtI/AAAAAAAAEko/Aval56W5Vco/s1600/abbysharp.tumblr.jpg[/img] [i]"Don't touch me or you might explode. Literally."[/i][/color] Ember is a very lean young woman with medium length, straight dark blonde hair. She has dark, crystal green eyes and a small, square face. She has long, curling eyelashes that are the same color as her hair and dark eyebrows. Her full lips are always slightly puckered in a pout, but she is rarely ever crying or hurt. She has a long, slender neck, leading down to slim, small shoulders that are slightly hunched. She has a long, slender nose that rounds off at the end and average sized ears. Ember is average height for a woman of her age, around five foot six or seven, and weighs no more than a hundred and twenty eight pounds. Most of that is muscle, as she does not have much body fat, even after having a baby. She has stretch marks along the lower half of her toned stomach. She has long legs with bigger hips and thighs, but small calves and ankles. Her feet are fairly big, but they slender out toward the top. She does not have any scars, but she does have a tattoo of her baby's name along her wrist. She also has a belly button piercing and a nose piercing, as well as her ears are pierced. Her hair always tends to be up in a bun or updo and she tends to wear crop tops and tight jeans outside of the Arena, but in the Arena, she will wear what everyone else does. [color=crimson][i]Age[/i]:[/color] 21 [color=crimson][i]Gender[/i]:[/color] Female [color=crimson][i]Rich or Poor?:[/i][/color] Family is rich. She is middle class. [color=crimson][i]Sector:[/i][/color] 1 [color=crimson][i]For the Battle or Opposed?[/i][/color] She is opposed to the Battle because she wants to be there for her five year old daughter. [color=crimson][i]Power Description:[/i][/color] [b]Explosion Manipulation[/b]- She has the ability to create, control, and manipulate explosions, even direct them directly at a person. She has a sonic clap that can knock people off their feet. As well, she can touch something and cause it to explode. She also can fly due to direct jet propulsion. She can also absorb explosions and use that energy to create an even bigger explosion. Most of her explosions are without fire unless there is explosive material nearby that causes fire. Her explosions are invisible super puffs of rapid air. [b]Burning Kiss[/b]- She can kill someone just by kissing them because it is so hot that it is fatal to the human body. [b]Smoke Aura[/b]- She has the ability to project smoke around her in her general area. It mainly absorbs her and anyone standing nearby, giving a cover for her when fighting. [color=crimson][i]Power Weakness[/i][/color] 1) She has to touch something to cause it to explode. She can't just look and it and it goes boom. She can control this though. She has to will something to explode. She can create a time bomb affect, but it rarely works or she has the risk of killing herself with it. 2)She sometimes cannot control her burning kiss, which is why she rarely kisses her daughter. But she does hug her though. [color=crimson][i]Weapon of Choice:[/i][/color] [b]Bow And Arrows[/b]: She has the ability to delay her power, like a time bomb, and this is why she likes the bow and arrow. She can touch an arrow and will it to explode after she fires it and it lands. It is very effective in battle, but again, the time bomb effect does not work as often as others. [color=crimson][i]Fighting Skills:[/i][/color] Ember does not know any professional fighting styles, but she did take a defense class shortly after she had Ash. [color=crimson][i]Personality:[/i][/color] Ember is a typical motherly presence, even if she dresses like her age. She cares a lot for her friends and relatives, especially her daughter. She is haughty and arrogant to men, especially those who just want to use her, but she is very caring and gentle when it comes to Ash. She does not make friends easily and is always mistrusting of people with wrong intentions. She has a very "mother bear" air about her, and she is not afraid to show it, or speak it. Ember always speaks her mind about what she thinks about people, even directly to their face. She does not really have a filter, which means that she has swore in front of baby Ash from time to time. She is wary around new people, especially if they want to interact with her daughter, and she always makes sure that Ash is safe before she ever cares for herself. [color=crimson][i]Biography:[/i][/color] Ember was born to a very rich family in the Eighth Sector. Her father was a shape shifting Leviathan, one that could turn into any form of reptile, and her mother was a normal human who was working for the Council at the time. She had two older brothers, Elko and Trey. She was the youngest of the family and the first daughter born, to which her mother was very excited. Both Elko and Trey did not show any signs of Leviathan in them, but Ember knew that they were different, even if they didn't show it themselves. Elko was the eldest, only six years older than Ember, and Trey was three years older. When Ember was six, Elko started showing signs of being a Water Leviathan. He was able to pull water out of plants, causing them to die, and he could manipulate it, but only for a few seconds at first. Their father was proud of him, but their mother was worried, as, with all Leviathan children, when Elko turned eighteen, he would have to move to Sector Two, with the rest of the Leviathans just like him. Trey, only a year later, began showing signs of being a Light Leviathan, and then their mother was very worried. She had hoped that Ember would not be one and be able to stay with her. She hoped that Ember could follow in her footsteps. That didn't happen. Ember blew up the barn when she was only ten years old, after getting into a fight with Elko about him leaving in two years. Everyone, in the only city in Sector Eight, knew that she was a Leviathan then, and so did she. But she didn't know how powerful she was. The rest of her powers, the burning kiss and smoke aura, developed in her teens, after both Elko and Trey were in their registered Sectors, a year after Trey left. She almost killed her third boyfriend, the one who got her pregnant, with the burning kiss, as she could not control it at the time, and whenever she was emotional, smoke began to emit from her and develop around her. She found out she was pregnant, and was excited and scared at the same time. She didn't want a Leviathan child to come into this world, but she didn't want an abortion either. She decided to keep the child and, nine months after putting her boyfriend in a coma with the burning kiss, Ash Julianee Wave was born. Then the Sixty Third Battle came, only two weeks later. People from all different Sectors could watch the callings of the Leviathans from the different Sectors. Her parents had both Sector Two and Sector Six up on the screen. They held their breath as the male Leviathans were called, and became terrified, as both Trey and Elko were called at the exact same moment. Her mother cried, her father watched in shock, and Ember was stone cold. How could the Council do this to her brothers? They watched the entire Battle, from training, to the balls, to the field. Both Elko and Trey lasted until the final two, as they had formed an alliance with each other, but as the rules state: Only one is allowed to leave the Arena. Neither brother could come to kill the other, so Elko, before Trey could stop him or convince him otherwise, took his knife, his weapon of choice, and stabbed himself directly through the heart. The Battle was over; Trey had won. But had he really? Now, separated from her family, with Trey in the Sixth Sector, in his mansion, her parents still in Sector Eight, the fear of the Sixty Eighth Battle looms over her and Ash. Ember prays that she will not get called, for her daughter's sake, but there is something different in the cards for her... [color=crimson][i]Likes:[/i][/color] Her Daughter, Ash | Sunset | Stars | Animals [color=crimson][i]Dislikes:[/i][/color] Fighting for Sport | Douchebag Dudes | the Council [color=crimson][i]Fears:[/i][/color] [b]Losing her daughter:[/b] Ember has a major fear of losing her daughter, either to death or to the Battle when she comes of age, so she does all she can to protect her. [b]Letting her daughter down [/b]- She always worries that she will let her daughter down or her daughter won't know how much Ember loves her. [color=crimson][i]Weaknesses:[/i][/color] Her Daughter is a weakness of hers because if anyone attacks her, she will lose her mind. She can be too careful at time and tries to be safe rather than tale risks. She is also doesn't have training, which means she is very uncoordinated with certain weapons or makeshift weapons. [color=crimson][i]Other:[/i][/color] She has a five year old daughter by the name of Ash who she had when she was sixteen years old. [hider=Ash Wave] [img]http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4122/4775115530_576f1d2afd_z.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=crimson][i]Theme Song:[/i][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR30knJs4Xk]"[i]TNT[/i]" by AC/DC[/url] [/center]