[hider=Kalia -- Red Skies] [b]Name:[/b] Kalia Caderra-Hopes [b]Aliases:[/b] Kal, The Mimic, The Mirror [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Ethnicity/Nationality:[/b] African-American/Hispanic mix [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] While Kalia's form constant,y changes, there's one that she sticks to on a general basis due to it resembling her original appearance. Her 'Base Form', if you will. It is fairly small, barely reaching 5'3". It's mostly her arms and shoulders that contain lean muscle, while her lower stomach and thighs are more chubby. Kalia has light brown skin, a mane of dark brown hair, and stormy grey eyes. She has a small tattoo of a butterfly on her wrist, which she usually hides with bracelets and long sleeves. Kalia has two styles of dressing: her formal, fancy blouse and jeans style, or her sports bra and jogging pants ready for action style. She holds a fondness for accessories, especially bracelets, and wears plenty as much as possible. [b]Class:[/b] Ace [b]Red Skies Traits:[/b] Kalia has the ability to manipulate her cells in order to physically alter her form to imitate that of another's. In layman's terms, she's basically a shapeshifter. The process takes less than three seconds and, given that Kalia has enough time to study the one being copied, the resulting illusion is near identical. Changes in appearance can be sometimes made subconsciously (i.e., wishing for blue eyes results in an eye color change). [b]Weaknesses, Drawbacks and Limitations:[/b] The process of altering and growing cells can cause some discomfort. Sometimes it's nothing more than an odd buzz on a newly gained skin color, other times it's the excruciating pain of bones growing or shrinking in a small amount of time. The result of the transformation, If given enough study, can be near perfect, but Kalia cannot copy unique abilities, voices, or any inhuman subject. Changing rapidly in a short expanse of time will tire her out easily and leave Kalia weak and aching for days. [b]Skills and Talents:[/b] Kalia has photographic memory, which helps in remembering the appearance of the one she wants to copy. She's also fluent in Spanish, thanks to her mother. [b]Psychological Profile:[/b] Look up 'business' in the dictionary, and Kalia's will be the first picture you'll find. Calm and cold, she regards everything in a analytic light. A boost when dealing with situations, not so much when handling with people. Kali has a 'honesty is always right' sort of mentality, choosing to often give out blunt words. She's extremely prideful, eager to prove those that doubt her wrong. Despite her aloofness, Kalia holds a deep care for her loved ones. Having been brought up in a family-oriented household, she holds deep value for those close to her. The separation of her parents and the loss of her mother created a deep wound in Kalia. In an effort to block out the pain, she puts up a wall of coldness, though inside is a vastly different story. Her greatest fear is losing the people she loves, and is desperate to protect them at all costs. She takes on a more gentle presence around children, tolerating their antics and even going along with them. [b]History/Bio:[/b] Kal was born and raised in a growing city in Louisiana. Her family was small and simple: a Hispanic mother, black father, and a brother five years her senior. At around eight years old, her parents had a falling out and filed for divorce. While her father remained in Louisiana, Kalia's mother took her and her brother to New York. There they opened up family restaurant, a simple and straightforward life in mind. Then the virus hit. Kalia and her mother were hit hard, with the latter suffering through multiple painful deformities before finally passing away. Kalia had lived, but her getting used to her new abilities felt like death. The changes were created on a subconscious win at first. Bones growing and shrinking at random, hair color changing, facial features altering. It was all painful and sporadic. Over time, Kalia gained control. She learned how to mimic others, though the pain of transformation remained. Kalia currently lives with her brother in the shell of a bankrupt restaurant, still learning about her newfound abilities and how she can protect what's left of her family with them. [b]Relationships:[/b] Brother, Damon Caberra-Hopes. [b]In a nutshell:[/b] A former cook turned shapeshifter scared of losing the only family she has left. [b]Other:[/b] - Kal is a damn good cook, and is more than happy to prove anyone who thinks other wise wrong. [/hider] [hider=Damon (NPC)] [B]Name: Damon Caderra-Hopes[/B] [B]Appearance: Damon stands at around 5'9", with a stocky build. He's muscular with light brown skin, grey eyes, and short black hair.[/B] [INDENT]Including age and gender.[/INDENT] [B]Description:[/B] [INDENT]An overview of what he is, a little backstory and skills.[/INDENT] [B]Notes:[/B] [INDENT]If any.[/INDENT] [/hider]