[@Tyki] Saito was lifted off his feet by the force of the blow, and a normal human would have been knocked out. But Saito was no normal human. And a strong gust of wind caught him as he fell, flipping him back upright before he hit the ground. He grinned, as he popped his neck. "That was a pretty good punch. Ain't got hit like that in a while. Just for that, I'll give you the full special." Smiling, he steps forward, and power begins swirling around him. Markus could feel the air pressure skyrocket as his ears popped, waves of wind emanating outwards like the rythmic beating of a heart. The very ground stirred, as the sky trembled. He could sense Saito summoning his full power, as a cyclone began forming around his body. The sky turned dark, great roiling clouds seeming to burst into existence. Twisting and turning around one another, illuminated by brief flashes of light as lightning springs from cloud to cloud. Saito's eyes seem to glow from an inner radiance, his body trembling with effort to contain the power. Hurricane force winds ripped their way around his body, and it was clear any attempt to get close to him would end in disaster. And yet the winds kept growing, the storm kept gathering, as cyclones reached down from the sky like the fingers of God, ready to rip the Earth to pieces. The one silver lining in this all was that Saito was gathering his strength. He wouldn't attack until he'd finished, unless one were to force him to. "Lemme give you a tip. Run. I love a good chase."